Cloths, cassimeres & vestings 24-26
Coach makers, 119, 121
do. lace and trimmings, 195
Coal dealers and ship-
pers, 111,113,175
Coal yards, city, 111, 113
Coffee Roasters, 202
Collars, bosoms and shirts 131
Combs, brushes and fancy
goods 88, 89
Commissioner of Deeds, 130
Commiss'n merchants, 66, 74, 104, 196
Commission and forwarding
merchants, 136, 138
Confectionery and fruit, 118, 119
Conveyancers' cards, 129, 130
Consuls, 205
Cooper, Oak 139
Copper and Brass, old 139
Copper manufacturers, 148
Copper, brass and zinc, 148
Copperplate printers, 195
Cordage and ropes, 158
Cotton Duck, 202
Cotton manufacturers, 202
Cotton lap and wadding, 202
Crackers and ship biscuits, 172-3
Culinary and housekeeping
utensils, 199
Curriers and leather dealers, 105, 108
Curled hair manufacturer 200
Cutlery and hardware, 91
Cutlery manufacturer, 152
Dauguerreotypists, 175
Deck plug manufacturer, 144
Dentists, 147, 148
Die sinker, 47
Druggists, wholesale, 49, 50, 162
Drug mill, 162
Dry goods commission 85
Dry goods jobbers 85, 86
Dye stuffs and dry salteries 9, 10
Dyer, silk and woolen 128
E. :
Emigrant, American, Friend
Society, 135
Engine, fire, manufacturers, 171
Engravers, bank note 191
Do wood 19
Electrotyping of wood cuts, 19
Fancy goods, combs, brush-
es, &c. 88, 89
Fancy dry goods, silks, &c. 11, 86, 133
Fancy goods, 154, 155
Feather beds and mattresses, 33
File and rasp manufacturer, 204
Fire engine manufrs. 176
Fishing tackle, 87, 88
Flowers, artificial 202
Fluid, burning, and camphene 60, 162
Forwarding and commission
merchants, 136-138
Founders, iron, 177, 181, 192, 197
Founders, hollow- ware 178
Frames, looking-glass 195
Fringe, tassel and cord 195
Fruit and confectionery 118, 119
Fruit and ornamental trees, 186, 187
Furnishing store, gentlem's 131
Gas fitters, 141
Glass manufacturers, 9, 110
Glass, window 9
Gold and silver manufactu-
rers, 44, 46
Gold beater, 204
Gold leaf, 204
Granite cutters, 184, 196
Grocers, 64, 74, 175
Guano importers, 163
Gun and rifle manufacturers, 104, 105
Gun powder manufacturer, 93
Hair, human, dye 175
Hair, curled, manufacturer 200
Hardware, jobbers, 90
Hardware and cutlery, 91
Hardware commission mer-
chants, 93
Hardware, saddlery 91
Hat and bonnet pressing, 174
Hats and caps, wholesale, 83, 84
Hatters, foshionable, 81, 82
Hat block manufacturers, 113
Hayme (patent) manufac-
turers, 149
Hides, oil and leather, 105, 108
Hosiery, gloves, trimmings, 133
J Hose manufacturers, 164, 202
i Horse shoeing establishment, 176
3 Housekeepers' utensils,
3 56, 59, 153, 199
5 Hotels, principal 196