IN presenting to the patrons of this work the SECOND EDITION
I shall be compelled to ask their kind indulgence for the few
errors or discrepancies which have imperceptibly crept in. In
the compilation of this edition I found it necessary to employ an
assistant to collect matter for the work. Much of the manuscript
copy furnished me through that source was very difficult to deci-
pher, and being compelled at times to trust to the accuracy of the
printer in the proof-reading, I trust will, to some extent, exten-
uate for what may appear to be errors.
Being also compelled to have the work printed in Philadelphia,
in order to issue it at the time contemplated, prevented me from
consulting the Advertisers in regard to the correctness of their
However as the errors are merely on the surface, and are
easily corrected in the mind of the reader, I trust they will only
receive a passing notice. In offering an apology for having the
work printed from home, I can only say that had not the saving
of time and circumstances compelled me I should have certainly
consulted my own pecuniary interests by having had it published
in Baltimore.