Is without doubt the greatest labor-saving machine ever invented;
an apparatus occupying a space of four feet square will wash 120
pieces of Clothing in five minutes, without injuring the finest
fabric. We have washed clothes for over a hundred families in
this city, who will certify not only that it does not injure the
clothing, but that they will wear much longer than when washed
by the old process of rubbing. The principles upon which it ope-
rates is very simple—a child can manage it. It consists of a re-
volving boiler placed over a furnace; this boiler is half filled with
suds and the other half with dirty clothes; the fire in the furnace
creates a steam in the boiler, which, by revolving, the clothes are
first carried into the steam and then into the suds. The price of
the apparatus for family use, is from $35 to $50. Large appa-
ratus for foundries and hotels, from $100 to $300. We shall
keep an apparatus at our place of business, ready for operation
at all times so that parties can see it tested before purchasing.