Maryland State Agricultural Warehouse, and North-
Western Repository of the most Improved
Machinery of the Age.
No. 97 N. Paca Street, near Franklin, Balt.
The Proprietors of this extensive establishment would most respectfully call
the attention of the Agricultural community to their large and assorted stock
of Machinery, adapted for both Horse and Manual power; manufactured and
constructed on the most scientific principles, embracing all the desirable points,
viz. of economy, durability and superiority of workmanship. In fact we have
no hesitancy in saying, that our machinery will vie with any similar, in the
Country. We will enumerate some of our principal Implements; i.e. Ploughs
of an endless variety, suited and adapted to all kinds of Soil. Of these, we
make the wrought and cast shear Plough, acting, in some cases, on the im-
proved Self-Sharpening principles, with or without the Centre Draft Rod.
We have in store about 800 Ploughs, which we will sell on very moderate
terms, either wholesale or retail. Horse powers and Thrashers—an article
which we consider far superior to any thing similar, heretofore used, and sold
at the very low price of $100—complete Four Horse Power and warranted to
thrash and clean, in quantity and quality as much as any other machine extant
N. B.—We also warrant the Castings to stand, and in fact satisfaction
given in all cases. Wheat Drills of the latest and most improved patterns
from $60 to $100.
N. B.—Having had the opportunity of seeing tested some of the principal
Drills now in use, and having heard the many objections argued against their
utility by practical Agriculturists, has induced the bringing before the public
a Drill, which we think will supercede any thing of the kind yet known. We
propose in our Drill to sow as much with one horse, as it takes three now to
accomplish, and sold at one-third the price of any other Drill. (For further
particulars inquire of us.)
Wheat Fans, Corn-shellers, Corn-cob Crushers, Straw Cutters, Hay Cut-
ters, Forder Cutters, Reapers, &c. of some dozen different patterns, together
with minor articles pertaining to the household ; viz. (Churns, the truly cele-
brated thermometer,) Sausage Cutters and Stuifers, Butter Moulds, Apple
Parers, Cow Milkers, Nest Eggs, Ox Yokes, Ox Bows, Ox Pins, Ox Balls,
Traces, Tin Horns, (Home's Patent) common, Damerpatch's Celebrated
Yankee Wooden Rake, Steel do., Shovels and Spades; in fact, all kinds of
Garden and Fruit Tools, wholesale and retail. Price's Fertilizers, Guano,
Bonecutters, Plaster, Lime, Pouderette, &c. We are also agents for the sale
of David Miller's Fruit arid Ornamental Trees, raised at Cumberland Nurser-
ies, Pennsylvania. (Catalogues furnished gratis.)
We would most respectfully call to the notice of our friends and the public
generally, cur establishment before purchasing elsewhere.
N. B.—Machinery delivered to any part of the City, free of charge.