ell and John W. Davis, Police Commissioners
aforesaid, having been arrested by order of the
General, commanding the army of the United
States, and imprisoned in Fort McHenry, under
frivolous and arbitrary pretexts, without oath, war-
rant, presentment of a Grand Jury or lawful cause
disclosed or trial had, have sinced been removed,
by military force, under the same orders, to Fort
Lafayette, in New York, where they are now held,
as "prisoners of State" at the arbitrary pleasure
of the President of the United States and the offi-
cers under him, at a distance from their homes and
families, in utter defiance of law and Constitution,
and in criminal violation of the plainest and dear-
est rights to which American citizens are born,
Therefore, It is resolved by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That we solemnly protest in the name
of the State and her people, against the proceedings
aforesaid in all their parts, pronouncing the same,
so far as they affect individuals, gross and uncon-
stitutional abuse of power which, nothing can pal-
liate or excuse, and in their bearing upon the au-
thority and constitutional powers and privileges of
the State herself, a revolutionary subversion of the
federal compact,
Resolved, That we appeal in the most earnest
manner to the whole people of the country, of all
parties, sections and opinions, to take warning by
the usurpations aforementioned, and come to the re-
scue of the free institutions of the Republic so that
whatever may be the issue of the melancholy con-
flict which is now covering the land with, sacrifice
and sorrow, and threatens to overwhelm it with
debt and ruin, there may at least survive to us,
when it is over, the republican form of Govern-
ment, which our fathers bequeathed to us, and the
inestimable rights which they framed it to perpet-
Resolved, That the President of the Senate and
the Speaker of the House be and they are hereby re-
quested to cause copies of these resolutions to be
transmitted to our Senators and Representatives in
in Congress, and to the Governors of the several
States with the request that they be submitted by
the latter to their respective legislatures.