of the House of Delegates, indicating the policy
which justice and humanity dictates to be pursued
by the State of Maryland, in the present crisis in
our national affairs, and her desires as a sovereign
State with reference to the policy which ought to
be adopted by the Federal Government towards the
Confederate States of America, were adopted by
the General Assembly, on the fourteenth day of
May; therefore,
Be it resolved That the Representatives of the State
of Maryland in the Senate of the United States,
at the approaching extra session of that legislative
body, be and they are hereby earnestly desired and
requested to urge and vote for an immediate recog-
nition of the independence of the government of
the Confederate States of America,
Resolved, That the speaker of the House of
Delegates and the President of the Senate together,
forward to the Hon. James Alfred Pearce and the
Hon. Anthony Kennedy, the representatives of the
sovereign State of Maryland in the Senate of the
United States, a copy of the Report of the Committee
on Federal Relations and the accompanying resolu-
tions together with these resolutions.