House of Delegates be allowed for this adjourned
session, commencing on the 4th day of June last, the
per diem for the time they have been in actual ses-
sion, and the sum of twenty dollars, as an increase
to the mileage of each Member and Officer, except
the mileage due to Officers appointed from Frede-
rick city, and the same be received as full compen-
sation for all demands for per diem and mileage at
this adjourned session.
Assented to
June 22, 1861.
RESOLUTION requesting the Governor to re-
turn to the State Armories the Arms taken from
the uniformed companies of the State.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Delegates of
Maryland, That the Governor be requested to
return to the Armories of the State, the arms
which have been removed by his order from said
Armories, and deposited in Fort McHenry, of
placed in the hands of ununiformed companies
or associations of individuals, and that he re-
turn to all regularly organized and uniformed
volunteer companies of the State, the arras reclaim-
ed from them, or either of them, by his order.
Assented to
June 31, 1861.
RESOLUTION appointing days for the adjourn-
ment and re-assembling of the General Assembly.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That when the Senate and House of Delegates ad-
journ on Tuesday, the twenty-fifth of Jane, they ad-
journ to meet in the city of Frederick, on Tuesday,
the thirtieth day of July next, at twelve o'clock, M.