1861. INDEX..
Members of the said Park Commission
for the time being to have the pow-
er respectively of conservators of the
peace within the limits of said Parks,
Board of Police of said city authorized
on the requisition of the said Park
Commission to detail from time to
time such of the regular Police force
as the said Board may deem neces-
sary for the perservation of order
within said Parks according to the
regulations aforesaid, and under the
direction of said Board of Police
which detailed force shall have the
same power in the premises that the
Police of the said city have as con-
servators of the Peace,
The ordinance and resolution referred
to in the first section of this act, rati-
fied and confirmed, and that full
power be and the same is hereby
given to the Mayor of the said city
and the Register and the said Park
Commission to carry into effect all
the provisions of the said ordinance,
in the same manner to all intents
and purposes, as if the said Mayor
and City Council had been previous-
ly to the passage of the said ordi-
nance, authorized and empowered by
an act of the General Assembly of
Maryland to enact an ordinance in
the precise terms of the ordinance
above referred to, and to provide for
carrying the same into effect ; pro-
vided, that nothing in this act shall
be construed to affect any right
whatsoever of the Green Spring Ave-
nue Company
The Board of Police of, authorized,
whenever in their judgment the pub-
lic peace and tranquility may re-
quire, to order and cause to be effec-