1861. INDEX.
No Prosecuting Attorney, nor any of-
ficer of any Court, in this State to
be entitled to charge or receive any
compensation or cost in any prosecu-
tion which has been or may be insti-
tuted against any person; for whose
relief this act is intended,
All laws in force in this State, at the
time of the said acts referred to un-
der the first section of this act, re-
pealed, so far as regards the said
persons and their acts,
This act may be given in evidence un-
der the general issue,
Act to go into effect immediately from
and after its passage,
Twenty-five thousand dollars appro-
priated to Maryland Penitentiary in,
The Mayor and City Council of, au-
thorized to issue certificates of debt
to an amount not exceeding five
hundred thousand dollars, in addi-
tion to the amount authorized to be
issued by section nine hundred and
thirty-nine of said fourth Article, to
be denominated upon their face
"Baltimore Water Stock," and
bearing interest not exceeding six
per cent, per annum, and to provide
by ordinance for the redemption of
the same at a certain time and under
such provision as the Mayor and
City Council may deem expedient
and proper,
Act to take effect from its passage,
The fourth Article of the Code of Pub-
lic Local Laws relating to the city
of Baltimore, amended, by repeal-
ing the fiftieth section of said Arti-
cle, relating to the salary of the over-