Collins Elizabeth, Scott st. near Pratt
Collins Wm. H. attorney, 6 Courthouse lane, dw 36 n Charles st
Collins J. W. scrivener and referee, 6 Barnes st dw 50 n Charles
Collins Levi, cooper, 699 w Baltimore st
Collins Margaret, 222 Raborg st
Collins A barilla, corner Raborg st and Stockton alley
Collins Rev. Isaac, 115 s Paca st
Collins Thomas, grocer, 379 Saratoga st
Collins Peter, clothier, 57 Harrison st
Collins Patrick, clothier, 22 Harrison st
Collins James, 59 n Exeter st
Collins Samuel, mariner, 8 L. McElderry st
Collins Rev. John A. 309 w Lombard st
Collins James L. stove dealer, 40 Light st. dw 96 Barre
Collins Wm. 67 Columbia st
Collins Lee, tailor, 92 Dover st
Collins Dennis B. tinner, 132 Conway st
Collins G. C. & Denson, grocers and com. mts. 83 Light st whf
Collins George C. dw 47 n Front st
Collins & Bullock, glue manufacturers, Columbia st extended
Collins John, mariner, 42 Philpot st
Collins Dr. Solomon, 36 n Calvert st
Collins Wm. laborer, Bolton lane, near Tyson st
Collins Henry, brickmaker, 386 Light st
Collins Mrs. Elizabeth, 47 L. Hughes st
Collins Thomas, comb maker, 248 s Charles st
Collins Catharine, 19 West st
Collins J. E- keeper of Central coffee house, 81 Thames st
Colling James, laborer, Hargrove alley, near Centre st
Collins John, breaksman, Scott St. near Pratt
Collison Wm. merchant tailor, 8 s Sharp st
Collison David, mariner, 231 Bethel st
Collison Perry, huckster, Fountain st
Collison Marriott, pilot, 199 Canton av
Collmus Levi, peddler, 3 Mott st
Collyer John, carpenter, 300 Forrest st
Collyer Richard, shoemaker, Orleans st. near Broadway
Colonization Society of Maryland, office over the post office, cor
North and Fayette sts
Colonnade Baths, John Finlay proprietor, 35 Saratoga st
Colson James, glue maker, 18 Hoffman st
Colson Wm. R. glue manuf. 557 Saratoga st
Colston —— dw over 33 Baltimore st
Colter Mrs. P. R. 3 e Centre st
Cotton Wm. boot and shoe maker, 48 Pratt st
Colton Jeremiah, weaver, 93 Fremont st
Colton John, stone cutter, 131 Saratoga st
Colton W. H. stocking manufacturer, 275 n Gay st
Colton Wm. boot and shoemaker, 240 Broadway
Colvert Levin A. carpenter, 155 Chestnut st
Colvin & Co. lottery and exch. office, cor Baltimore and Calvert
Colvin W. dw n e corner Pleasant and Courtland sts
Colvin Miss Rachel, 77 e Baltimore st
Comegys Bartus, tailor, 2 Hanover st. dw 83 n Pearl
Comegys Mrs. Elizabeth, dry gdods dealer, 22 e Baltimore st
Comfort Mrs. Catharine, silk and straw milliner, 2 n High st