Champ new Joshua, dlinton st n of Boston, Canton
Chance James, auctioneer, dw 171 Hanover St
Chanceaulme Martin, cabinet maker, 24 Orleans st
Chanceaulme William, watch maker 60 Short st
Chandler George, brick maker, 334 Light st
Chandler John K. ship smith, 167 Wolf st
Chancy Cornelias, 43 Saratoga st
Chancy Benjamin, domestic manufacturer, $14 Franklin st.
Chancy A. W. boot and shoe store, 8 e Baltimore st and 38
Harrison st
Chaney James M. millwright, 75 Perry st
Chaney James W. 122 e Pratt st
Chapin P. & Co. plane makers, 44 Light st
Chapman A. firm Kirkland, Chase & Co. dw 80 Fayette st
Chapman H. D. iron dealer, Mill st. dw 7 Centre market space
Chapman L. H. dry goods dealer, 201 w Pratt st
Chapman John, steamboat man, 3 Lewis st
Chapman Jno. L. glass agent, 40 s Charles st. dw 36 Mulberry st
Chapman Jonathan, chemist and apothecary, 2 South st
Chapman James P. machinist, 211 e Lombard st
Chappell J. G. shipping and general commision merchant, 53
Lombard st. exchange place, dw 16 e Fayette st
Chappell Mrs. tutoress, 310 n Howard st
Chappell Thomas, tobacconist, dw 9 Hill st
Chappell John, 106 Lexinglon st
Chappell P. S. 171 s Charts st
Charer John, laborer, 156 York avenue
Charey Morris, shoemaker, 22 s Front st
Charles Elizabeth, 112 Happy alley
Charles Benjamin, teacher, 234 Gough st
Charlton John, rope maker, 151 Orleans st
Charms Rev. R. 147 n Eutaw st
Charron J. B. firm Easter & Co. dw 17 Barnet st
Chasaing Mrs. E. teacher music, Mulberry betw Paca and Eutaw-
Chase Mrs. Mary Ann, 112 Dugan's wharf
Chase Mrs. Hannah K. 182 Lexington st
Chase Wells, com. mercn. and manuf. warehouse,6 s Howard st.
dw 1 L. Paca st
Chase Mrs. Mary A. oyster house, 19 n Liberty st
Chase J. H, ladies' shoe store, 124 Lexington st
Chase Daniel, dw 123 Saratoga st
Chase Miss Mary, fancy dry goods s w cor Eutaw and Biddle sts
Chase Moses, machinist and model maker, 284 n Eutaw st
Chase, Lilly & Co. com merchants, 14 German st
Chase Hannibal H. brickmaker, 103 Con way st
Chase A. S. dw 42 Courtland st
Chase Briiain, com. merchant, 2 Camden, dw 23 Conway st
Chase Thorndick, 103 Broadway
Chase Ca pt. John, mariner, 20 Block st
Chase Henry, drayman, 28 Perry st
Chason Capt. George, mariner, 68 Block st
Chassier Christopher, piano maker, 33 Garden st
Chasteau L. A. 53 e Pratt st
Chatard Dr. F. E. corner Charles and Lexington sts
Chatard Dr. Peter, 114 Saratoga st
Chatfield —— foundryman, Leaden hall st