Biggs James, butcher, 25 Mullikin st
Bigham J. & Co. produce grocers, 117 and 119 Franklin st
Bipham Mrs. Elizabeth, 75 n Paca st
Bight Charles, paper hanger, 47 Orchard st
Bihy John, baker, 108 Fremont st
Biles Robert carpenter, 155 Boyd st
Bill Isaac, carter, 4 Booth st
Billings M. stove dealer, 21 Light st. dw cor. Mercer & Light sts
Billings Mrs. Mary, 10 House's court, s Charles st
Billington Clark, 8 Lombard st
Billman Tomas, shoemaker, 101 n Calvert st. dw Fiench st
Billmeyer Henry, shoemaker, 24 Pratt st
Billmeyer Henry, shoemaker, dw 80 Centre Market space
Billmeyer J. boot, shoe, hat and cap store, 100 e Pratt st
Billmeyer Jacob, boot and shoemaker, dw 170 e Pratt st
Bilson Henry, filer and turner, 351 Lexington st
Bilson Samuel, Saratoga st. near Pearl
Bines Robert, dw 105 Conway st
Bingham John, grocer, corner e Pratt and Albemarle sts. dw 41
e Pratt st
Bingham Thomas, jr carpenter, 151 Bank st
Binix Nathan, cabinetmaker, 78 Pierce st
Binyer Mr. laborer, Walnut alley, near Rosa
Binyon Frederick, shoeiaker, 102 Hillen st
Binyon William, carpenter, 148 Bank st
Binyon Thomas, nightman, 222 Canton avenue
Birch William S. paper hangings manufacturer and importer, 8
Hanover st. dw 166 Sharp st cor. of Lee
Birch Francis, 128 Ann st.
Birckhead & Pearce, merchants, 9 and 11 Commerce st
Birckhead Hugh, dw 48 n Charles st
Birckhead Christopher, seaman, Cambridge st. near Windsor,
Bird Stephen L & Co. dry goods dealers, 69 Baltimore st
Bird William, bricklayer, 333 Mulberry st
Bird J. Edward, dry goods dealer, 209 Baltimore st
Bird Edward, blacksmith, 64 great Montgomery st
Birely Valentine, currier, 19 Cheapside
Birkett Mrs. Mary, dry goods dealer, 20 n Liberty st
Birkey Thomas H. dentist 90 n Howard st
Birkley Mrs. Jane, 54 Biddle st
Birmingham Thomas, painter, Lutle Monument st. between Eu-
taw and St. Mary
Birmingham Andrew, carpenter, dw 98 n Paca st
Biscoe J. tobacco inspector, 81 s Paca st
Biscoe George, laborer, 241 Happy alley
Biscoe & Woods, carpenters, 25 Marion st
Biscoe James, commission merchant, 81 Light st wharf
Biscoe Samuel, pilot, 201 Canton avenue
Bischoff T. H. tobacconist, 139 s Howard st
Bishop James, laborer, Pierce st. near Cove
Bishop Elijah, merchant tailor, 183 w Pratt st dw 127 s Sharp
Bishop Richard, coach maker, 79 Fayette st
Bishop David, tavern 148 Hillen st
Bishop E. & W. grocers, n e corner Gay and Forest sts
Bishop Mrs. Elizabeth, 236 Ann st