Volume 525, Page 321 View pdf image (33K) |
Strocker John, tailor, 79 McElderry's wharf 32 North Strohmeyer George, merchant tailor, 115 w Lombard st Strohmeyer Ernest, tailor, 19 Mercer st Stromberger Henry, shoemaker, 15 Fish Market space Stromberger George, tinner, 77 Forrest st Stromenger John, tailor and clothier, 54 Pratt st. dw 44 Hiilen Strong Alexander, weaver, 49 Preston St Strong Mrs. Rebecca, 11 Thomsen st Strouse Isaac, peddler, 218 Bond st Strouce Isaac, dry goods dealer, 109 n Eden st Strorman Frederick, tailor, 54 s Caroline st Struckman Frederick, farmer, 119 William st Srouse J. 24 Thames st Struthoff Mrs. Elizabeth, baker, 64 n Exeter st Strutman Henry, furniture wagoner, 39 Aisquith st Stuart David & Son, grocers, 41 e Pratt st dw 87 e Balto st
Stuart James, paint dealer, 77 McElderry's whf. dw 68 s Caro- Stuart Mrs. Elizabeth, 16 Albemarle st Stuart John, laborer, 206 Lexington st Stuart G. 102 e Pratt st Stukehart Augustas, stone cutter, 20 Eutaw court Stubbins Ann, 214 n Chestnut st Stubbins Charles, clerk, 100 s Eutaw st Stubbs Joseph, carpenter, 69 Barre st Stubbs Wm. O. grocer and feed dealer, Barre st. e of Howard Stubbs Captain Jabez, manner, 32 Fawn st Stucks Martin, blacksmith, 14 Jackson's court, near Rock st Stuch George, tailor, 25 Grant st Stuffler Henry, shoemaker, 74 Abey alley Stugard Martin, carter, 223 Bond st Stull John, carpenter, 129 Fremont st Stump Valentine, shoemaker, 121 Penn, avenue Stump Hamilton, flour inspector, 86 Mulberry st Stump Conrad, shoemaker, 202 Biddle st Stump Henry, attorney at law, 31 Fayette st Stump George, grocer and liquor dealer, 92 s Eutaw st Stump A. firm Hyatt and Stump, Mulberry st Stump Herman, 95 n Charles st Stumpp Bartholomew, shoemaker, 20 Balderston st Stunz Frederick, 59 Frederick st Stung Henry, laborer, 61 Granby st Sturgeon Lindsey, collector, 300 n Gay st Sturgis J. A. upholsterer, 183 w Pratt st Sturgis John, watchman, 173 Bank st Sturman Edward, auctioneer, dw 13 6 Howard Subtur Joseph, shoemaker, 63 Salisbury st Sueman Henry, ship carpenter, 61 Cross st Sumwalt Jesse, plaisterer, 288 n Howard st
Sugden George, prop. Staff Hall coffee house, 59 Hanover st |
Volume 525, Page 321 View pdf image (33K) |
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