Smith Mrs. Elizabeth, 57 Ensor st.
Smith Samuel, miller, 372 n Gay st
Smith Adam, fancy carpet weaver, 269 n Gay st
Smith William, white smith, 265 B Gay st
Smith David F. variety goods dealer, 189 n Gay st
Smith Mrs. Susan E. milliner & fancy goods dealer, 189 R Gay st
Smith & Brother, clock and looking glass dealers, 32 e Charles st
Smith Mary, confectioner, 60 s Charter st
Smith M. 38 Sharp st
Smith Rachel, scourer, 60 German. st
Smith Thomas & John, 128 w Lombard st.
Staith John R. engineer, 471 w Lombard st
Smith Dr. John N. 190 w Lombard st
Smith Ransalaer, blacksmith and stove dealer, 6 Light st, dw cor
Hanover and Henrietta sts
Smith Elias, constable, 15 Penn st
Smith Joseph, 163 Hollins st
Smith John A. moulder, 82 Boyd st
Smith Nicholas, ceoper, 106 Hollins st
Smith Adam, cooper, H Dewberry alley
Smith Joseph, jr. firm Wyman & Appleton, dw 10 s Green st
Smith Samuel, 58 s Green st
Smith & Atkinson, prop. Baltimore Chemical works, 125 Colum-
bia st. store 288 Baltimore st
Smith Mrs. Henrietta, 176 Fremont st
Smith John, watchman, 179 Conway st
Smith George, painter, 109 s Greece st
Smith W. J. boarding house, 61 s Eutaw st
Smith Andrew, grocer, 30 s Eutaw st
Smith Robert, barber, 43 Centre Market space
Smith James, laborer, 38 s Frederick st
Smith Samuel C. periodicals and bookseller 1 s Gay st
Smith Ringold, chair manufacturer, 89 South st, dw 103 e Pratt
Smith John, boot and shoemaker, 12 Mercer st
Smith Mrs. Eliza, 15 Lombard st
Smith John Spear, 64 Exchange place
Smith William Prescott, merchant taitor, 32 Second st dw 43 s
Exeter st
Smith J. W. note broker, 51 Second st dw Franklin
Smith Mrs. Alice, 8 Fish Market space
Smith Mrs. Elizabeth, 10 Second st
Smith J. C. tobacconist, 155 1-2 Baltimore st
Smith Mrs. Elizabeth, 39 Pleasant st.
Smith Samuel W. 21 n Calvert st
Smith Eliza, 29 Tyson st
Smith Francis H. 23 Cathedral fit ;
Smith John, hackdriver, 132 S,. Paul st
Smith Andrew M. laborer, Poppleton st. near Lombard st
Smith Nicholas, cooper, 24 Booth st
Smith George, cooper, 27 Booth st
Smith Gerard, mariner, 17 Dallas st
Smith James H. cor. Bethel and Baltimore sts
Smith Jacob, boot maker, 56 Hill st
Smith G. M. lumber inspector, dw 59 Hut st
Smith William, painter and glazier, 79 Hill st
Smith Thomas M. boiler maker, 18 G. Hughes st.