THE Publisher of the BALTIMORE DIRECTOR, in present-
ing this his eleventh edition, deems a recapitulation of the
difficulties of getting up the work unnecessary on the pre-
sent occasion. They arc obvious to every reflecting and
candid mind, and have been sufficiently explained in for-
mer editions. But it is impossible to escape the censures
of the thoughtless, the prejudiced, and the interested. Al-
lowance, however, should be made for the observations of
those having no experience in the difficulties of the work,
who do not consider that there is no work, from its very
nature, more liable to imperfection.
The subscriber will venture to say that he has had expe-
rience sufficient to enable him to get up the work as cor-
rectly as is practicable; and in the present compilation he
hag used the means within his reach to effect that object.
In the following pages it will in many instances be found
that names admitting of different orthography have been
repeated, which should not be deemed error. Names of
members of firms, taken at their residence, will probably
appear without being designated as of such firms, that not
having been mentioned by those who gave the information.
It will be recollected that this work was not commenced
by the subscriber; more than half the citizens' addresses
having been taken by others, who then, for reasons not
accessary to mention here, transferred the work to him.
However efficient their theoretical knowledge may have
been, their inexperience required that a careful revision
of their labor should have been made; which revision, in
transcribing their work alphabetically for the press, bas
consumed quite as much time as was requisite at first for