Seugerman William, shoemaker, 25 Fell st
Severe & Huyghe, sail makers, Light st wharf
Severe William, of firm, dw 72 s Caroline st
Severe Joseph, 10 a From st
Severe James, wheelwright, 131 Canal st
Severson Stephen, grocer, 555 w Baltimore st
Severson Mrs. Margaret, 100 Barry st
Seward William, bricklayer, 104 Hamburg st
Seward John A. mariner, 73 York st
Seward James, constable, 263 Canton avenue
Sewell Mrs. Ann, 182 Light st
Sewell James, constable, 228 Bond st
Sewell John D. cabinet maker, 813 w Pratt st
Sewell, Janney & Owings, wholesale grocers, s e cor. Lombard
st and Cheapside
Sewell & Arnest, wholesale dry goods dealers, 325 w Balto. st
Sewell R. dw 86 n Eutaw st
Sewell Rev. Thomas, dw 118 Madison st
Sewell Mrs. Ann, dress maker, 313 w Pratt St
Sewell John, 86 Pratt st
Sewell William R. blacksmith, 449 w Baltimore st
Sewell Thomas A. grocer, 106 Hill st
Sewell Levi, sawyer, 120 Bank st
Sewell Joseph, carpenter, Mulberry court near Freemont st
Sexton Dr. R. 97 Lexington st
Sexton S. B. & Co. stove dealers, 12 Balderston st
Sexton S. B. dw 119 w Lombard st
Sexton John, shoemaker, 15 Mercer st
Seyler Frederick, currier and leather dealer, 22 s Liberty st. dw
115 Lexington st
Seymorer Richard, ship joiner, 81 Bank st
Seymour Zachariah, tinner, 37 Chatsworth st. dw 14 n Greene
Seymour John, laborer, 22 Schroeder st
Seymour David, brickmaker, 95 Columbia St
Seymour Mrs. Sarah A. dry goods dealer, 208 Broadway
Shackard Rev. Peter, 109 Saratoga st
Shackels Mary, grocer, 116 Hollins et
Shackleford Lewis, pilot, 76 Lancaster st
Shackles Richard W. stone cuter, S3 Booth st
Shad Francis, prop. German hotel, 105 Thames st
Shadrack John, mariner, 233 Gough st
Shaer &. Kuster, com. mts. 12 s Charles st
Shafenburger Henry, locksmith, 11 Jackson's court, near Rock st
Shafer Matthew, shoemaker, 48 Richmond st
Shaff Thomas, piano maker, 18 Ross st
Shaffer John, cooper, Pierce st. w of Fremont st
Shaffer John W. engineer, 23 Barre st
Shager George, laborer, 17 Chestnut st
Shaffer George, ehina packer, 307 Light st
Shaeffer John Jeremiah, tanner, 282 Frauklin St
Shaffer F. laborer, 207 Bond st
Shaffer Francis, laborer, 106 Penn, avenue
Shaffer George, ship joiner, 257 Ann St
Shaffer Jacob, art. flower manufacturer, 74 Baltmore st
Shaffer George, carpenter, 136 Madison st
Shaffer Thomas, cooper, 162 Bank st