Murray James, millwright and pattern maker, 21 York St. dw 20
Murray Thomas, laborer, 25 Summer's alley
Murray Michael, mariner, 218 Gough st
Murray Patrick, hatter, 9 New Church st
Murray James, 23 New Church st
Murrry Mr. shoemaker, 80 Gibson st
Murry John, laborer, 51 Preston st
Murry Frederick, shoemaker, 24 Gibson st
Murry Levi, white washer, 32 Perry st
Murry Thomas, grocer, 126 St. Paul st
Murry Patrick, watchman, 47 Davis st
Murry & Cunningham, carpenters, 54 German st
Murry Mrs. Mary, 109 Low st
Murry James, tavern keeper, cor. Cathedral & Howard sts
Murry Matthew, carver and pattern maker, 125 Balto, st. dw 119
n Calvert st
Murry Edward, confectioner, &c. 24d n Gay st
Murry Mrs. Catharine, grocer, 81 Ensor st
Murry R. musician, cor. Holliday and Favette sts. upstairs
Musel William, tin and sheet iron store, 66 Camden st
Museum Baltimore, and Gallery of Fine Arts, cor. Baltimore
and Calvert sts.
Museum Washington, 25 e Pratt st
Musgrave Rev. George W. 79 n Eutaw st
Musgrave Andrew, cooper, 24 Patterson st
Musgrave George, 55 Albemarle st
Musgrave James, tanner and currier, n Front near Gay st
Musgrave Henry, cooper, Patterson st. dw 134 s Exeter st
Mushett Walter, com. merch. Light st. whf. dw 17 Mulberry st
Music Joshua, shoemaker, 71 Ensor st
Musselman J. letter carrier, 27 Columbia st
Mussman John, tavern keeper, 14 Park st
Muth Adam, laborer, Orchard st
Muth George, grocer, cor. Charles and Pratt sts
Muth J. Henry, watchmaker, cor. Charles and Pratt sts
Mutual Safety Insurance Co. (of New York) 53 Lombard st.
Mutual Life Insurance Co (ot New York) 53 Lombard st
Mutual General Insurance Co. (of New York,) Exchange build.
Mutual Merchants' Insurance Co. Commercial buildings, Gay st
Mutual American Insurance Co. 53 Lombard st
Mutual General Ins. Co. agency, Exchange buildings
Mutual Fire and Manne Ins. Co. of Baltimore, Commercial
buildings, cor. Lombard and Gay sts.
Mutual Marine Atlantic Ins. Co. 53 Lombard st
Myer Thomas, brick maker, 144 Hanover st
Myer William H. grocer and liquor dealer, 105 s Howard st
Myer Capt. James, com. merch 65 s Calvert st. dw 168 Sharp st
Myer Godfrey & Co. Thompsonian practitioners of medicine, 16
e Pra ft st
Myer John, tailor, 61 L. McElderry st
Myer James, groeer and com. merch. 65 s Calvert st. dw Sharp
Myer Christopher, laborer, 30 Lancaster st
Myer Ferdinand, trimmings and variety dealer, 139 Balto. St
Myer Henry, foundryman, 316 Eastern avenue
Myer William, pattern maker, 176 Light st
Myer Mrs. John J. 105 Hanover st
Myer John, tailor, 79 McElderry's whf