Keys Lawrence, cedar cooper, 102 n Caroline St
Keys James A. mariner, 12 Maiden lane
Keys Peter, 53 n Front st
Keys & Brother, grocers, 39 Cheapside
Keys James, steamboatman, 20 Lee st
Keys Mrs, Elizabeth, grocer, 107 Gough st
Keyser Hammond, furniture wagoner, 23 e Pratt st
Keyser Samuel S. iron store, 67 South st. Bowly's wharf, dw 25
Cathedral st
Keyser Charles M. queensware and china mer. 12 n Howard st.
dw 55 n Paca
Keyser Thomas, furniture dealer, 58 and 58 1-2 n Eutaw st
Keyser Michael, dw 146 Fayette st
Keyser James, queensware dealer, 181 Park et
Keyser Joseph, sawyer, 85 Granby st
Keyser Moses, dry goods deafer, 71 Baltimore st
Keyser Nicholas, laborer, 143 s Charles st
Keyworth C. B. merchant tailor, 286 w Baltimore st
Khorsen John A. paper hanger, 94 Pine st
Kibner A. H. locksmith, bell hanger, &c. 25 Harrison st,
Kichn Adam, lock and blacksmith, Albemarle st
Kidd Charles, edge tool factory, 352 w Pratt st. dw 10 Paca st,
Kidd & White, confectioners, fruit dealers, &c. 16 Baltimore st
Kiddall Eliza M. boarding house keeper, 55 Thames st
Kidder Camillus, commission mer. 78 South st. Bowly's wharf;
dw 48 Conway st
Kiely John, mariner, 229 Alice Anna st
Kiesecher H. boot and shoemaker, 240 Dallas st
Kifel George, confectioner, 25 Carpenter's alley
Kiger Anthony, cabinet maker, 157 William st
Kilbourn E. G. attorney at law, 11 St. Paul st
Kilbourn Samuel, tin worker, 122 Fremont st
Kilbourn George, tinner, 328 Franklin st
Kilbreth Thomas, bricklayer, 151 German st
Kilburn Mrs. & Healy, principals of young ladies' academy, 1 n
Exeter st
Kiler John, sailor, 46 n Spring st
Killer Casper, grocer, 290 Bond st.
Kilman Noah, laborer, 140 Conway st
Killman Charles, laborer, 186 Eden st
Killman Mrs. Sarah, 192 Bethel st
Killman Thomas, engineer, 118 William St
Kilimon Mrs. Ann, 141 Alice Anna st
Kilner A. H. locksmith, bell hanger, &c. 25 Harrison it
Kilty Mrs. Catharine, 43 Mulberry st
Kimball Daniel K. dw 122 Conway st
Kimball Horace S. broom manufacturer, 148 e Baltimore st
Kimball Frederick, cabinet maker, 11 s Green st
Kimball Mrs. 72 Granby st
Kimberless H. & S. packing house, Buren st. near Baltimore
snuff mill
Kimberly Henry, butcher, 54 French st
Kimberly Mrs. Elizabeth, 49 French st
Kimberly J. M. 181 n High st
Kimberly Edward, 5 Baftimore st
Kimberly Nathaniel, dry goods dealer, 185 Baltimore st