Kelly Thomas, spinner, Clinton st. n of Boston
Kelly M. M. blacksmith, 61 York 61
Kelly John F. laborer, 20 Lancaster St
Kelly Dudly, laborer, 29 York st
Kelly Edward, block and pump maker, 13 Lancaster st
Kelly Mrs. E. milliner, 165 Hanover st
Kelly James, 174 Spring st
Kelly James, potter, 139 Chesnut st
Kelly Mrs. Ellen, Harmony lane, w of Poppleton st
Kelsey Henry & Co. ship chandlers and grocers, 98 Spear's
wharl, dw H. K. 98 s High st.
Kelsey E. tailor, 17 Baltimore st. dw Temple st
Kelso George Y. 24 e Lombard st
Kelso Thomas, 110 e Baltimore st
Kelso John, 52 French st
Kelso J. R. 51 Sharp st
Kelso William, watchman, 75 Eastetn avenue
Kelton F. P. house carpenter, Tessier near St. Mary's st
Kelty John W. shoemaker, 45 McElderry st
Kelty Wm. R. tailor, 197 s Charles st
Kemft Joseph, cabinet maker, 6 Guilford st
Kemon Peter S. 278 n Eutaw st
Kemp Mrs. Emily, 73 Union st
Kemp James D ship carpenter, 146 Ann st
Kemp Lewis G. commission merchant, 18 Union st
Kemp Lewis, dry goods merchant Balt. st. dw 27 George st
Kemp Dr. William M 24 n Eutaw st
Kemp G. W. grocer, 218 Lexington st
Kemp Mrs. Sarah, 30 Barry Pt
Kemp Thomas, ship carpenter, Washington st. near Canton av.
Kewis G. firm Martin & Kemp, dw 18 Pearl
Kemp Trail & Co, wholesale dry goods dealers, 319 w Balt. st
Kemp Mrs Matilda, 253 Favette st
Kemp John R. auctioneer, 84 Pine st
Kemp Richard, teacher, 26 Pine St
Kemp William, brickmaker, Scott St. s of Columbia
Kemp Joseph F. carpenter, Camden st near Eutaw, dw 185 e
Paca st.
Kemp Mrs. Louisa, 521 Eastern avenue
Kemp Mr. shoemaker, 70 n Exeter st
Kemp Simon, custom house officer, 22 Lloyd st
Kemp Mrs. Sarah, 30 Barry st
Kemp Thomas, ship carpenter, Washington st. near Canton av.
Kemper H. shoemaker, 45 Albemarle st
Kemphart Frederick, tavern keeper, 251 Bond st
Kempton Samuel, grocer, 54 Spring st
Kendall H. M. grocer, 33 Fremont st
Kendall Thomas, 98 s Paca st
Kendell James B. 36 Baltimore st
Keneck Philip, butcher, 81 Lancaster st.
Kenedy John, sweep master, 52 Mulberry st
Kenedy John P. machinist, Chase st near reservoir
Kenedy Felix, marble polisher, 6 n Amity st
Kenedy Henry, laborer, 5 n Amity st
Kenedy Catherine, liquor store, 16 Front st
Kenedy J. P. grocer, 32 Pennsylvania avenue
Kenedy Wm W. firm Jno. & J.Williams & Co. dw 66 Camden st