Inn 172 JAC
Innes Allen L. boot and shoe maker, 4 Baltimore st
Inns William, 7 Jackson st
Insurance Co. Harford Conn, agency 64 Fayette st
Inter Samuel, shoemaker, 30 Chatsworth st
Invincibles' Armory, over 75 Baltimore st
lawful Benjamin, labour, 40 Chtasworth st
Inwell Myer, carpet rag dealer, Con way st no. 101
Irelan David, boot & shoe maker, 341 w Balt st, dw 104 Pine st
Ireland Mrs. Elisabeth, 845 n Gay st
Ireland Mrs. tutoress 63 Madison st
Ins & Odd Fellows' Mirror office, basement of Odd Fellows'
Hall, n Gay st n of Orange alley, W. F. Preston editor
and Publisher
Ironmonger Miss Mary, 41 s Howard St
Ironmonger E. L, confectioner, 136 n Charles st
Iron R shoemaker, 193 n Exeter st
Irons Henry, laborer,152 Spring st
Irons Thomas, bricklayer, 117 Orleans st
Irvine John, carpenter, 8 Morns alley
Irving Levering G. proprietor "Fulton House" 28 e Pratt st
Irvin George, builder of hoistng wheels, 313 w Pratt st
Irvin John, confectioner, 1 St. Paul st
Irvin James, tobacconist, 309 n Howard st
Irvin Thomab Jr 91 Hanover bt
Irvin Mr 360 n Howard st
Irvm Joseph, shoemaker, 15 Bethel st
Irvm George G. tailor, 8 Pine st
Irvin George W merchant tailor, 11 s Liberty st
Irvm William, carpenter, 38 Lancaster st
Isaacs Isaac, clothier, dw 92 & Gav st
Isaacs William, huckster, 2 Rock st
Isack Anthony, laborer, 225 Bethel St
Isenminger Ellen, 51 Monument st
Iser John, laborer, 54 Johnson st
Israel Fielder & Sons,conveyancers, corner St Paul and Fa-
yette sts
Israel Fielder, dw. 116 B Green st
Israel Robert, conveyancer, dw 110 n Green st
Israel Jacob grocer, 519 w Baltimore st cooper shop, 524 do
Israel J. Robert & Brothers, n w corner Fayette and St. Paul sts
Israel John, hotel, 9 Holiday st
Itch Joseph, grocer, 112 Thames st
Iverding William laborer, 202 s Caroline st
Ives William M, brass launder, 23 Lombard st
Ives James, dw 28 Lombard st
Ivines John, sail maker,229 Canal st
Jack Charges, carpenter 6 s Canal st
Jackson Mrs Frances, 137 Fremont st
Jackson George, carpenter, 306 Raborg st
Jackson James R. 111 s Paca st
Jackson William H grocer, 101 s Paca st
Jackson Samuel, surg. instrument mak. & cutler, 17 n. Liberty st
Jackson A. grocer, 403 Saratoga st
Jackson Robert, shoe maker 220 Eden st
Jackson Charles, dentist &c 5 n Frederick st