Guildener Mrs. Hannah, 58 n Liberty st
Quirk James, machinist, dw 45 Union st
Guiteau Rev. S. agent for sunday school and tract depository, 2
Franklin buildings, north at dw 97 Aisquith St.
Guiton Joshua, 187 Orleans at
Gulley Mrs. Sarah, 62 Pine st
Gumb Samuel, sexton Salisbury st. synagogue, 59 Salisbury st
Gunby Francis, manner, 38 Eden st
Gunby Mrs. Maria, 260 Ann st
Gunn Thomas, manufacturer, 324 Franklin st
Gunn Mrs. Ann M. 20 s Howard st
Gunn Dr. J. P. 74 Lexingtou et
Gunnison William, com. merchant, 101 Bowly's wharf, dw 80
e Pratt st
Gunter Henry, carter, 273 Alice Anna st
Gunther John, laborer, 38 Biddle alley
Gunther Joseph, ladies' fancy work dealer, 189 Baltimore st
Gunther Conrad J. manufacturer and dealer in watches and fine
jewelry, 91 Baltimore st. dw 8 a Front st
Gunther John, 3 corner Plowman and Front sts
Gunther Henry, tavern keeper, 268 Bond st
Gurfall Frederick, 254 Ann st
Gurney Thomas, shoemaker, 31 n Caroline st
Gurney Mrs. Ellen, boarding house, corner Green and Balt sts
Gustus Abraham, woodsawyer, 60 Hampstead st
Guy Mrs. Jane, 38 s Frederick st
Guy John, proprietor Monument House, 13 n Calvert st
Guyther Capt. George, of steamer Columbia. 2t e Lombard st
Guyther Henry, 118 e Pratt st
Guy ton William,, furniture dealer, 78 n Howard st
Guy ton & Hyde, dry goods dealers, 60 Hanover st
Guy ton & Co grocers, corner Gay and Chestnut sts
Guyton James^ 2S3 Aisquith st
Gwinn Mrs. Charles, 75 n Charles st
Gwinn Mrs. 17 Starr alley
Gwyn & Co. wholesale dry goods house, 243 Baltimore st
Gwyn Charles R. dw 33 Conway st
Gwynn William, 750 w Baltimore st
HABBERSETT Mrs. Sarah, Washington hotel, 206 w Pratt st
Habbersett William, carpenter, 40 n Spring st
Habbersett Jacob, keeper of High st. hotel, 119 n High st
Habbersett Harman, 138 Orleans st
Habbersett Lewis, peddler, 54 Lancaster st
Habel Harman, 138 Orleans st.
Habel Lewis, peddler, 45 Lancaster st
Haber Francis, tailor, 247 Ann st
Habersham Willram, 33 s Gay St
Haborn Henry, shoemaker, 147 Perry st
Hachtel C. shoemaker, 35 s Paca st
Hachtel L. shoemaker, 69 Camden st
Hack & Klaunburg, importers of German goods, 75 South st.
Bowly's wharf
Hack Andrew & Sofia, grocers, 36 n Howard st
Hack John tobacconist 114 Franklin st.
Hack A. 288 Lexington st
Hack Mrs. Catharine, 283 Lexington st