Gregg Andrew & Co. grocery and produce merchants, 109
Franklin st
Gregg Frederick, blacksmith, 43 Jasper st
Gregg William, clerk, 192 Raborg st
Gregg Robert, grocer, 67 Pine st
Gregg Mrs. Ann, 65 Fayette st
Gregg Mrs. Harriet, Holliday st sear Saratoga
Gregg R. A. grocer, 62 Centre Market space
Gregg Mrs. Elizabeth, 62 Franklin st
Greggs James, 57 s Exeter st
Gregor Antony, laborer, Tessier st. from Biddle to St. Mary's
Gregory Joseph, shoemaker, 34 Henrietta st
Gregory Amos, grocer, 191 s Charles st
Gregory Joseph, painter, 4 Argyle alley
Gregory Joseph, ship carpenter, 154 Alice Anna st
Gregory William, plaisterer, 100 Hollins st
Gregory John, blacksmith, 41 Mulhkin st
Gregory J. grocer, 145 s Eden st
Gregory Mrs. Ann, 66 Lancaster st
Gregory Joseph, ship carpenter, 154 Alice Anna st
Grein F. grocer, 57 Lancaster st
Greiss Tobias, shoemaker, 40 York avenue
Greives Dr. 52 Sharp st
Greives David & Son. grocers, 272 Broadway, dw 270
Greives David, 165 Broadway
Greives Charles, 164 n Calvert st
Greives Mrs. Ann, 101 Wolfe st
Gremm Joseph, cabinet maker, 167 Sarah Ann st
Grenall Josiah, 96 Lee st
Grey Andrew, laborer, 40 Pennsylvania avenue
Greys' Independent, armory, High, between Grey and Htllen sts
Greyer George, laborer, Abey alley
Grendlemyer Andrew, cabinet maker, 295 Saratoga st
Grennell Charles, shoe store, 84 n Eutaw st
Grensfdder & Brother, trimmings dealers, 28 n Eutaw st
Grice Moses, trader, 52 Hill st
Grice George, carpenter, 123 Fremont st
Gridley J. & Co. lottery and exchg. office kepers, 108 n Gay st
Grieves Charles, 164 n Calvert st
Griffin Robert, shoe dealer, 177 Fayette st
Griffin Mary, 57 Forrest st
Griffin Charles, butcher, 374 n Gay st
Griffin Robert W. tea dealer, 52 Baltimore st
Griffin Lynch, tavern, 3 F.sh Market space
Griffin John, shoemaker, 9 Baltimore st
Griffin James L. painter, 105 e Baltimore st
Griffin E. T. tobacconist, 136 Pearl st
Griffin, Yeatman & Co. boots, shoes, hats &c...dealers, 229 Balti-
more st. up stairs
Griffin George millwright, 6 Armistead lane
Griffin John, machinist, 6 Armistead lane
Griffin Robert, plaisterer, 81 L. McElderry st
Griffin R. H. coach, smith, 323 n Howard st
Griffin & Moore, tobacconist, 14 n Howard st
Griffin John, plaisterer, 253 Franklin st