Grosey Mrs. Elizabeth, 150 Chestnut st
Goslin George, painter, Harford avenue
Goslin Henry, machinist, 26 Poppleton st
Gosnell Thomas, carpenter, 70 n Caroline st
Goanell L. W. & Son, wholesale dry goods dealers, 328 w Balt. st
dw 82 n Paca st
Gosnell William! shoemaker, 4 Buren st
Gosnell Talbot & George, carpenters, 56 German at
Gosnell John T. silver plater, 19 Park st
Gosnell Philip H. firm Mathers & Gosnell, dw Saratoga st. near
Gosner George, carpenter, 278 Mulberry st
Gosner Miss Rebecca, 278 1-2 Mulberry st
Gossick Mrs Mary, 110 Granby st
Gossick Sarah Ann, 161 Eastern avenue
Gothrop Richard, shoemaker, 19 Dewberry alley
Gott Thomas J. stock broker and property agent, 41 Second st
Gott William, carpenter, 6 Gibson st
Gotthelf Leopold, cabinet maker, 202 Broadway
Gotty Carson, taffy, cake and candy maker, 82 Barry st,
Gouely M laborer, 215 Bethel st
Gough William, laborer, corner Front and French sts
Gough Dr. D. 109 s Sharp st
Gough Thomas, grocer, 114 Canal st
Gough Mr. 36 Hampstead st
Gould Mrs. Abby, artificial flour and millinery dealer, 195 w
Pratt st
Gould Mrs. Mary Ann, 75 n Exeter st
Gould Zaccheus, shoemaker, 43 Orleans st
Gould James, dealer in watches and jewelry, 168 Baltimore st
dw corner Charles and Franklin sts
Gould Thomas, cabinet maker, 32 Barry st
Gould John G. 122 Lee st
Gould Alexander, sr. farmer, 311 Light st
Gould A jr. harbor master, 296 Light st
Gould Edward, mariner, 74 Ann st
Gould Nicholas, cjgar maker, 165 Eastern avenue
Gouley Louis, vegetable medicine dealer, 38 Baltimore st
Gourdon Mrs. Sarah, 104 Fayette st
Gourlay John, Cabinet maker, 132 Madison st
Gourlav George, blacksmith, 9 President st
Gouse Frederick, butcher, 84 William st
Govel Michael, laborer, 35 Philpot st
Gover Samuel H. auctioneer, Hanover st. near Lombard, dw 41
L Exeter st
Gover G. P. & Co. exchange brokers, 208 Baltimore st dw G.
P. Gover 10 Aiquith st
Gower Christian, porter, 91 s Eutaw st
Grace Joha, laborer, 27 Granby st
Grace J. A. 73 n Green st
Grace Jacob A. shoemaker, 262 Monument St
Grace William, blacksmith, 169 Ann st
Grace John, iron founder, 86 s High st
Grace Boyer, bricklayer, 34 Bond st
Gracey Henry, carpenter, 65 Aisquith st
Gracey William, carpenter, 38 Orleans st