Fraleck Christopher, shoemaker, 47 Short st
Fralinger —— laborer, 12 G. Hughes st
Frames John, grocer, 174 Canton avenue
Framptom Henry, lumber marker, 53 Hampstead st
Prampton Edward M. oyster house keeper, 263 Broadway
France Robert, 50 Hollins st
France Thomas, painter, 91 Lee st
France Frederick, tavern keeper, 24 Fell st
Franchi A. artificial flower maker, 332 w Baltimore at
Francis Thomas, 80 Granby st
Francis Robert, 131 n Eden st
Francis Thomas, grocer, 84 Lewis st
Francis Jesse, carpenter, 160 n High st
Francis John, 115 e Lombard st
Francis Fleetwood, baker, 169 Bond st
Francis B. gardner, 21 Bank st
Francis Peter mariner, 123 Alice Anna st
Francis John, boarding house, 122 s Caroline st
Franciscus, Sarah Elizabeth; 89 L. McElderry st
Franck P. grocer, 153 Forrest st
Franck F. boot and shoemaker, 43 Argyle alley
Frank Thomas, baker, 114 William st
Frank O. clothier 66 s Charles st
Frank S. dry goods dealer, 8 Centre Market space
Frank Leon, tailor, 121 n Howard st
Frank Lewis, carpet weaver, 70 Harrison st
Frank George C. tobacconist, 13 Ross st
Frank Henry, boot and shoemaker, 84 Harrison st
Frank George, cabinet maker, 22 Park st
Frank C. L. baker, 115 Orleans st
Frank Lewis, grocer, 65 n Eden st
Frank Frederick, tinner, 68 n Spring st
Frank David, grocer, 215 Bond st
Frank F. boot and shoemaker, 43 Argyle alley
Frankenberger Lewis, rope maker, 89 n Caroline st
Frankenberger Lewis, laborer, 49 Hoffman st
" Franklin Hall," 11 Lexington st
Franklin Capt. Samuel, 203 Ann st
Franklin John, carpenter, 34 German st
Franklin Samuel, bricklayer, 202 Wofe st
Franklin Isaac, peddter, 41 Lombard st
Franklin Fire Ins. Co. of Phila. Jarvis buildings, North it
"Franklin Peter, whitewasher, 78 L. Hfrghes st
Franklin Bank, 13 North st
Fransioly F. stencil cutter, 382 w Bahimore st
Franz Frederick, tavern keeper, 24 Fell st
Frautitz H. laborer, 254 Ann st
Fray Samuel, laborer, Clinton st n of Boston, Canton
Frazier William R. grocer, 223 w Pratt et
Frazier John, iron dealer, 103 Camden st
Frazier Miss Eliza, 34 Hillen st
Frazier William, hatter, 88 Eden St
Frazier James, carpenter, 112 Orleans st
Frazier Misses F. & R. preceptresses, 66, Hanover st
Frazier Walter, 117 Albemarle st