FOR Matchett's Baltimore
Flint T. and W. dry goods merchants, 97 E Baltimore
Flishell Joseph, stone cutter, Biddle, near Penn, av
Flishell Anthony, labourer, Biddle, near Penn'a av
Flishell Joseph, stone cutter, Pratt, w of Hanover
+Flood Lydia, Short st E side o t.
Flower Geo. glassmaker, 70 Bond st f p
Floyd Charles, Lerew's alley, N of Franklin st
Floyd David I. grocer and commission merchant, 23
Water, dw Hanover, N of Lee st
Floyd mrs Ellen, mantuamaker, 13 St. Paul's st
Flury Warner, sailmaker, Thames w side f p
Flynn A. cordwainer, Granby st near Harford run o t
Flynn Joanna, shopkeeper, corner of Paca street and
& Bottle al
Foales Henry, carter, Barre, w of Charles
Fobes James, sea captain, Thames, E of County wf
Focke Fred, firm of Brauns and Focke, dw opposite
Duncan's Church, w Fayette
Focke mrs M. boarding house, Lexington st
Fogleman, Geo. watchman, Bottle alley s side
Folack, Adol. stone cutter, Biddle, w of Penn'a av
Foley Timothy, cabinetmaker, Forest, N of Douglass
Foley Matthew, grocery and liquor store, St Paul's,
s of Centre st
Folks mrs Sarah, grocery, cor Grant and Balderston
Folks Nicholas, hack driver, Dutch alley w of
Park street
Folk Frederick, baker, Penn av N of Preston st
Folingsby A. G. merchant, 5 Commerce
Follen W. house carpenter, Gough near Caroline f p
Fonerden John, M. D. NW cor Fayette & Park
+Forty John, teacher, Potter, N of Douglass o t
Foose mrs. Mary, North s of Bath
Foose John, bricklayer, Potter s of Hillen o t
Foose mrs. Dorothy, Harford av o t
+Foote James, labourer, Sarah Ann w of Cove
++Foote Rachel, laundress. Mechanics' w of High o t
Fopless Michael, hatter, 66 N Exeter
Forbes James, sea captain, Thames, E of County wf