President, Coppin Teachers College
Born in Norfolk County, near Portsmouth, Va. Attended a rural
elementary school at Churchland, Va. Received a high school diploma
from Norfolk Mission College, Norfolk, Va.; A.B. from Virginia
Union University, Richmond, Va.; A. M. from Howard University;
A.M. from Colombia University; Ph.D. from New York University;
D.Ped. (honorary) Virginia Union University.
Held the following positions:
Instructor in History and Math., Selma University, Selma,
Ala.; Asst. Principal, Corey Academy at Portsmouth, Va.; Head of
Dept, of Education, Virginia State College; Head of Dept, of Educa-
tion and Prof, of Philosophy, Virginia Union University, Richmond,
Va.; Instructor, Summer School, Tuskegee Inst.
Is a member of the Board of Trustees of Virginia Union Univer-
sity; the Board of Trustees of the American Teachers Association; the
Metropolitan Board of Directors of the Y. M. C. A.; the Board of
Managers of the Druid Hill Branch Y. M. C. A.; the District Com-
mittee of the Baltimore Area of Boy Scouts; the Executive Committee
of the Association for the Handicapped.
Is Asst. Dean of the National Sunday School Congress; President
of the Sunday School and Baptist Training Union Convention of
Maryland; Superintendent of Sharon Baptist Church School; a mem-
ber of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.