A. H. E.
Bishop— Rt, Rev. M. H. Davis, 815 N.
Arlington Ave,, Office 1226 Druid Hill
Presiding Elder, Potomac District —
Rev. I. T. Bailey, 1105 7th St., N. W.,
Washington, D. C.
Presiding Elder, Baltimore District—
Dr. O. A. Hawkins, 306 N. Carrollton
Allen— Lexington and Carlton Sts.— Rev.
A. R. Powell, 1132 W. Lexington St.
Bethel— Druid Hill Ave, near Lanvale St,,
Hev. J. E. Reese, 2027 McCulloh St.
Ebenezer— Montgomery St. near Char'es
—Rev. W. H. Foster, IS W. Montgomery
gomery St.
Grace — 67 Winters Ave,, Catonsville. Md.
Rev. A. E. Allen,
Oak Street— 2317 N. Howard Street— Rev.
Burch, 815 N. Arlington Avenue.
Payne Memorial— Laurens St. and
Madison Ave., Rev. O. Baker Pearle,
417 Laurens St
St. John's— Carrollton Ave. near Lanvale
Street. Rev. Harrison Bryant. 634
George St.
Trinity — Biddle St, and Linden Ave., Rev.
P. Mitchell. 1024 W. Lanvale St.
Waters— Aisquith St. near Orleans St.
Rev. H. E. Walden. 427 Aisquith St.
Zion A. M. K. — Pennsylvania Ave. between
Hoffman and Dolphin Sts., Rev. G. M.
Edwards, 1124 Pennsylvania Ave.
Apostolic Faith Church — Monument and Eden
Sts., Rev. Jos. E. Lee, 1628 E. Biddle St.
Calvary Baptist— 661-67 W. Biddle St.,
Rev. R. T. Reed, 2638 Madison Ave.
Union Temple Baptist Church — Cum-
berland St. and Pennsylvania Ave.
—Rev. R. W. Lewis, 1613 Edmondson
Ebenezer Baptist— 23rd St. and Guilford
Ave., Rev. B. T. Jordan, 318 E.
23rd St
BAPTIST (Continued)
Elkridge Baptist— Elkridge, Md.. Rev. M.
M. Saunders. 711 Mosher St.
Enon Baptist— N. B. Co. Schroeder St.
and Edmondson Ave. — Rev. A. J.
Payne, 709 Dolphin St.
Faith Baptist — Ashland Ave. and Bond St..
Rev. Simon Williamson, 1220 N. Caroline
First Baptist — Caroline and McElderry Sts..
Rev. V. T. Williams, 1050 N. Eden Street
First Baptist— Fairfield, Md., Hev. E.
First Baptist — Frederick, Md., Pulpit
Pulton Baptist — Division St, near Gold.
Rev. B. F. Jackson, 2313 Madison Ave.
Grace Memorial Baptist Church — Chase
and Eden Sts., Rev. Eugene Graves, 1313
East Preston Street.
Israel Baptist — Orleans and Bond Sts., Rev.
E. D. Mead, 1413 N, Central Ave.
Leadenhall Baptist— Rev. M. C. Allen, 63S
W. Barre St. Leadenhall nr. Cross,
Macedonia Baptist— Fremont and Lafayette
Aves., Rev. Harry Lawson Finn, 602 N.
Carrollton Avenue.
Memorial Baptist— Preston and Caro-
line Sts.— Rev. C. Ed. Brown, 1311
Caroline St.
New Metropolitan Baptist— Mosher and
McCulloh Sts., Rev. Willis J. Win-
ston, 1500 Madison Ave.
Mt. Ararat Baptist— Rev. M. P. Clarke,
1829 Presstman St.
Mt. Lebanon Baptist — George St. and Og-
den Ave., Rev. Hiram E. Smith, 537
Cumberland St.
Mt. Olive Baptist— Towson, Md., Rev.
Mt. Sinai Baptist Church— Preston and
Wilcox Sts., Rev. J. R. Butler. 103S
Edmondson Ave.
Morning Star Baptist — West Fayette St.
near Carrollton Ave., Rev. G. L. Gar-
nett. 621 N. Carrollton Ave.
Nazarene Baptist Church — Harford Ave. and
Biddle St., Rev. W. A. Hall, 908 N.
Wolfe Street.
BAPTIST (Continued)
New Central Baptist Church — Park
Ave., near Dolphin St., Rev. Ira T.
Guthrie, Pastor, 2107 N. Howard St.
Perkins Square Baptist — George and Os-
tend Sts.. Rev. Ward D. Yerby, 1110
Edmondson Ave.
Pleasant Hope Baptist — Hutchins Ave,,
Govans, Md., Rev. Radd.
Providence Baptist — Edmondson and Fre-
mont Aves.. Rev. E. W. White, 848 Ed-
mondson Ave.
Psalmist Baptist — Riggs Ave. and Wood-
year St., Rev. Junius Gray, 1312 Riggs
St. Mark's Baptist Church — 310 W. Hoffman
St., Rev. Isaac Gillian, 1114 Druid Hill Ave.
St. Paul Baptist — 23rd and Barclay Sts..
Rev. G. A. Crawley, 1418 E. Biddle St.
Sharon Baptist — Stricker and Presstman
Sts., Rev. Beale Elliott. 1628 Druid Hill
Shiloh Baptist — Lanvale St. and Fremont
Ave., Rev. Timothy Boddle, 821 W.
Lanvale St.
Southern Baptist Church — Preston and
Bond Sts., Rev. J. R. Grant, 1626
W. Lanvale St.
Trinity Baptist— Druid Hill Ave. and Mc-
Mechen St., Rev, Volley V. K. Stokes.
1526 McCulloh St.
Union Baptist — Druid Hill Ave. near Dol-
phin St., Rev. Baxter L. Matthews. 340
Dolphin St.
New Hope Baptist Church — Biddle St. near
Pennsylvania Ave., Rev. W. F. Stoles,
New Union Baptist No. 2— Pierce and
Schroeder Sts., Rev. S. A. Harring-
ton, 416 N. Carrollton Ave.
Union Baptist — Sparrows Point, Md., Rev.
Chinon Coleman, 1308 E. Chase St.
United Baptist Church, 1210 B, Lex-
ington St.. Rev. T. S. Hendershott,
Pastor. 1402 E. Chase St.
Zion Baptist — Bond and Eager Sts., Rev.
Mathew Wilkerson, 1119 N. Caroline St.
(Mt.) Zion Baptist— 32nd and Barclay
Sts., Rev. H. Gilbert, 3208 Barclay Street.
Barclay St.
St. Francis Xavier — Caroline and Eag«r
Sts., Rev. Pr. Michael J. O'Neil,
S.S.J., Pastor; Rev. Daniel Cassiday, S.SJ..
Rev. Thos. J. Monahan, S.SJ.. 1007 N.
Caroline Street.
St. Peter Claver — Fremont and Penna.
Aves., Rev. Wm. A. Murphy, S.S.J
Pastor; Assistants: Rev. Donald Jacobs.
S. S. J., Rev. John P. Quinn, S. S. J.
St. Pius, Edmondson Ave., and
Schroeder St., Rev. Fr. Edward
Blassius. Pastor, 521 N. Schroeder St.
St. Monica's— Eutaw and Henrietta Sta.,
Rev. Fr. Edw. J. Norton, S.S.J., 421 W.
Henrietta St.
St. James — Arlington and Lafayette Aves.,
827 N. Arlington Ave. ; Rev. Cedric
Mills. .Pastor.
St. Katherine's P. E. — Presstman and Di-
vision Streets, Fr. Gerald W. Rubino, 816
Eutaw St.
St. Mary's P. E. — Orchard and McCulloh
Sts.. Fr. Bliss Everett. 816 Eutaw St.
Apostolic Faith — Monument and Eden Sts..
Rev. Joseph E. Lee, 1628 E. Biddle Street.
Bethleham Temple Pentacostal Church — 541
Cumberland St., Rev. John D. Barnes,
Emanuel Christian Community — Lanvale
St. and Carrollton Ave., Rev. Wilbur H.
Waters, 520 N. Carey St.
Forehand Church of God and Saints of
Christ— Tab. No. 1, 1106 McCulloh St.,
Rev. Justus B. Elder.
Frederick Douglass Memorial — Madison and
Lafayette Aves., Rev. Fred Douglass,
1325 Madison Ave.
Unity Christian — Stricker St. and Edmond-
son Ave., Rev. Levi B. Miller, Jr., 1533
Edmondson Ave,
Seventh Day Adventist — Dolphin St. and
Harlem Ave., Elder L. H. Bland, 824
Harlem Ave.