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THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 32th Annual Edition, 1944-1945
Volume 522, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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SCHOOLS — with Principals and Addresses.

Director of Colored Schools, Eimer A. Henderson, Administration Building,
Madison Ave., corner of Lafayette. Univ. 6300; home address, 2560 McCulloh St

402—Coppin Teachers College, Mount Street near Riggs Avenue, Dr Miles W Connor, President,

2415 Madison Avenue
133—Dunbar Senior-Junior High School, McElderry and Caroline Streets, Carrington L Davis.

Principal, 1821 McCulloh Street
450—Douglass High School, Calhoun and Baker Streets Ralph W Reckling, Principal. 426 N Gilmor Street

Vice-Principal Mrs Isadelle Williams, 1908 Madison Ave , Spec Assist , Harry R Parker, 2304 Druid

Hill Avenue
106—Harvey Johnson Junior High School. Hill Street near Sharp, Frank J Sorrell. 2503 Montebello Avenue

130—Booker T. Washington Junior High School. McCulloh Street and Lafayette Avenue,

John N Cotton Principal 2317 Ivy Ave W Cato Anderson, Vice Principal, 2435 McCulloh Street,

Miss Marie A Kelly. Spec Assist 2018 Druid Hill Avenue
454—George Washington Carver Vocational School, Carrollton and Lafayette Avenues,

Saul M Perdue, Principal 2401 College Avenue

100—Joseph H. Lockerman School Mount and Saratov Street. William F Proctor, Princpal
734 N Carrollton Avenue Mrs Mabel L Davis Vice Principal, 342 Bloom Street

101—Jefferson and Caroline Strrets George E Simms Principal, 2562 McCulloh Street
Mrs Edith L Pinkstore, Vice Principal. 1827 N Mount Street

102—Thomas G Hayes School, Jefferson and Bond Streets Hammcnd J Briscoe. Principal, 1420

Harlem Avenue
108—Henry Highland Garnet School, Division Street near Lanvale, (Mrs ) Gladys H. Derry. Prin

cipal, 2320 Ivy Avenue Morgan Park

104—Robert Brown Elliott School. Carey and School Streets Mrs E Romaine Jones. Principal, 2432
Woodbrook Avenue Mrs Lena K Lee Vice Principal, 1818 Madison Avenue

105—East Street near Lexington, Mrs Erma Payne, Principal, !410 Harlem Avenue
107—Gilmor Street near Laurens, Mrs Viviene Bundy, Principal 1910 Madison Avenue
108—Gilmor and Presstman Streets, Clarence J Roberts. Principal, 2323 Ivy Avenue, Morgan

110—Phyllis Wheatley School Fremont Avenue and Waesche Street, Samuel R Owings Principal, 911 N
Carey Street. Miss Anne Bowers, Vice Principal, 1900 Madison Avenue

111—Frances Ellen Harper School, Carrollton and Riggs Avenues, (Mrs ) Roberta A
Henderson, Principal, 2560 McCulloh Street.

112—William M. Alexander School. Laurens and1 Calhoun Streets (Mrs ) Estelle W Lee, Principal
2035 Druid Hill Avenue Arthur Williams, Vice Principal. 1429 Argyle Avenue

113—Benjamin Banneker School, Federal Street and Greenmount Avenue, Mrs Edna Johnson, Principal,
2316 Montebello A\enue

114—Harriet Tubman School, Caroline Street and Lombard, Henry W West Vice-Principal, 2228 Druid

Hill Avenue

115—Merryman s Lane near York Road Mrs Susie M Cordcry, Teacher in Charge, 2415 McCulloh Street
116—Aisquith and Orleans Streets, (Mrs I Ceciha E Rezar, Principal, 3116 Barclay Street

Cilfton S Murray, Vice Principal, 549 Bloom Street

117—Wendell Phillips School, Bane and Warner Streets, J Wendell Grinage, Principal. Milford
Road. Pikesville. Md

118—Harriett Beecher Stowe School, Argyle Avenue near Lanvale Street Mrs Maud I Williams, Principal.

620 George Street
!19—John H Murphy School, Gilmor and Mosher Streets, (Mrs) Mary B Thomas, Principal, 1307

Duision Street

120—John Hurst School, Pennsvlvama Avenue and Robert Street, (Mrs ) Graycie Hazzard,
Principal, 716 N Arlington Avenue

121—Daniel A Payne School Sharp Street near West Street Mrs Viola W Wright Principal, 1208
Whitelock Street

122—Samuel Coleridge Taylor School Preston Street between Druid Hill and Pennsyl-
vania Avenue, Mr Chas Jones 2432 Woodbrook Ave , Miss Lucy D Cawthou 1515 Edmonson Ave

23—Fremont Avenue and Lemmon Street, Edward L Murray. Principal, 2303 Druid Hill Avenue

24—Daniel Murray School, Orleans Street near Bond Street, Ralph L Bright. Principal, 340 Bloom

25—Henry Winter Davis School, Pennsylvania Avenue and Dolphin Street, William N Parrott,
Principal. 625 N Carollton Avenue

26— Sharp Street near Montgomery Street Mrs Elizabeth Henderson, Principal, 1925 Druid Hill Ave

27—Biddle Street near Pennsylvania Avenue. George S Whyte Principal 625 N Carrollton

28— Schroeder Street and Pierce Street, Miss Mary V Morris, Principal Chatolanee Md

130A—Carrollton Avenue and Lexington Street Milton R Branson, Principal 1317 W Lanvale Street

131—800 Block Druid Hill Avenue near Biddle Street, S Reginald Watts. Vice Principal. 1120 Whitelock

132— Mount Street and Riggs Avenue, Miles W Connor, Principal, 2415 Madison Avenue, Mrs Edith M

Thomas Vice Principal, 339 Bloom Street
134—Bush and Carroll Streets Mrs Lillian Black 415 East 24th Street

135—Chase and McDonogh Streets. James N. Randall, Principal 709 N Fremont Avenue.
136—Howard and 24th Street, Mrs Florence Gloster, Vice-Principal, 1522 McCulloh Street
140—Carrollton Avenue and Lexington Street G Albert Wright, Principal, 1208 White'
lock Street Mrs Rosalie J Rawlings Vice Principal, 2564 McCulloh Street

153—Frankfurst and Rake Avenues Milton Dugger, Teacher in Charge, 1404 Myrtle Avenue

154—Fairfield School Fairfield Road between Carbon and Brady Avenues, Mrs Ruby W Grooms Teacher

in Charge, 2107 Druid Hill Avenue

155—Lauraville School, Beauregard Avenue and Cold Spring Road, Lawrence W Queen, Teacher-
in charge, 2210 Druid Hill Avenue

156—Morrell Park School. Fuget Street near Harmon Avenue, Mrs. Gertrude Wilkins,

2551 McCulloh Street., Teacher-in-Charge.
157—5217 Denmore Avenue, Miss Jessye Bennett. Teacher in Charge
158—Roland Park School, Falls Road near Cold Spring Lane, Mrs Mary E Horsey, Teacher in Charge,

712 Frederick Roid
176—Francis M. Wood, Schroeder and Franklin Streets, (Mrs ) Louise M Dennis, Principal,

2008 Druid Hill Avenue
451—Joseph C Briscoe General Vocational School, 1315 Druid Hill Ave. Ruben F Jones. Principal

2432 Woodbrook Avenue
Hollabird School, Mrs Anne Lawson Payne, Principal, 1421 Edmonson Avenue

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THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 32th Annual Edition, 1944-1945
Volume 522, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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