Born a slave in Prince Edward Coun-
ty Va., March 1, 1841, tutored by his
master's son At the outbreak of the war
he went to Missouri
where he taught
school in Hannibal
He later attended
Oberlin College and
at the close of the
war he moved to Mis-
sissippi, became the
Sheriff of Bolivar
County. He was a
planter and a mem-
bar of the Missis-
sippi Levee Board.
Elected to the United States Senate in
February, 1875, he served from March
4 of that year to March 3, 1881. Was
delegated to several Republican National
Conventions; appointed Register of the
United States Treasury by President
Garfield in May, 1881.
He was recorder of deeds of the Dis
trict of Columbia from 1891 to 1893. In
1897 he was again appointed Register oi
the Treasury.
He died in Washington, March 17
Born in Charleston, S C., January 3,
1834, received a limited education;
employed as a shipping clerk in 1850.
Member of a conven-
tion of the Friends
of Equal Rights at
Charleston in 1865
and was deputized to
present a memorial
to the Congress of
the United States.
Elected a member of
the State Constitu-
tional Convention in
1868 and 1869; elect-
ed Presidential elec
tor from his State
for Ulysses S. Grant
for President and Schuyler Colfax for
Vice President.
He was elected lieutenant-governor of
South Carolina in 1870; president of the
Southern States' convention of colored
men at Columbia in 1871.
In 1872 he was elected as a Republi-
can to the Forty-third Congress, and
served from March 4, 1873, to March 3,
After his retirement from Congress,
he served as United States Internal
Revenue collector for the Second Dis-
trict of South Carolina, 1875 to 1876,
after which he resigned. Died in Char-
leston August 17, 1882.
Born in Boston, Mass., August 11,
1842. attended High Hollow Academy,
London, England, in 1853, and was
graduated from Eton
College, England, in
1859. Studied law,
was admitted to the
bar and practiced in
Columbia, S. C. He
served as a Repub-
lican in the State
House of Represen-
tatives from July 6,
1868, to October 23,
1870, assistant ad-
jutant general of
South Carolina, 1869-
1871; elected as a
Republican to the Forty-second and For-
ty-third Congresses and served trom
March 4, 1871 until his resignation No-
vember 1, 1874.
Again elected a member of the State
House of Representatives, 1847-1876,
served as speaker, unsuceesstul candi-
date for election as attorney-general of
South Carolina in 1876.
Appointed U. S. special agent of the
treasury of Charleston, S. C. in 1881 and
later at New Orleans Resigned to open
his law office and practiced until his
death in New Orleans August 9, 1884.
* * *
Born in New York City February 26,
1844, pursued a course oi academic
training; studied law in North Caro-
lina and at Howard
University and w as
admitted to the
North Carolina bar
in 1871. Engrossing
clerk in the State
Constitutional Con-
vention of North
Carolina in 1869;
chairman of the
board of commission-
ers for Halifax Coun-
ty, 1872-1879. Elect-
a member of the
State Constitutional
Convention in 1875, was nominated as
a Republican for the Forty-sixth Con-
giess. but was unsuccessful.
Elected as Republican to the Forty-
eighth and Forty-ninth Congresses and
served from March 4, 1883 to March 3,
1887, unsuccessful candidate for re-elec-
tion in 1886 Resumed the practice of
law in New Bern, N. C., and died there
September 11, 1905.
He was one of the few colored men
who served in the first Democratic ad-
ministration under President Grover
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