The Cosmopolitan Community Church of Baltimore, Md.
Organized May 5, 1925, in the basement of Shiloh Baptist Church,
Clinton and George Streets, with three hundred members.
After worshiping two Sundays at this location, the congregation
moved to the building formerly known as the Rainbow Theatre,
remaining there until August when the property located at 1112
Madison Avenue was purchased at a cost of $35,000.
Four years of arduous labours brought success to the efforts of the
membership, so much so, that on February 3, 1929, the present
edifice was bought for $57,000 and the task of paying off this
obligation was begun.
In the nine years that have followed, aided and abetted by a
united congregation which has grown to 650 contributing mem-
bers, the officials of the church have reduced the indebtedness of
the church to $21,400.
Services are held every Sabbath morning and evening. Bible School 9.30 A.M.,
Morning Worship 11.00 A. M., Evening Worship at 8.00 P.M., Prayer Meeting
Wednesday Eve at 8.00 O'clock, Choir Rehersals Tuesday at 8.30 P.M.
THE PASTOR Rev. Frederick Douglas was born in Edwardsville, Ill., February 19, 1872.
After graduation from the high school, he taught in the public schools at Hodges Park, Ill.
In 1896 he was ordained an elder in the A. M. E Church and has since served charges in the
following cities: Harrisburg and Cairo, Ill ; Marion and Wilberforce, Ohio; Bethel A. M. E.
Church, Baltimore
In May, 1925, he organized acd became pastor of Cosmopolitan Community Church. He is a 32nd
degree Mason and is prominently identified with other fraternal organizations.
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