Dr. Spencer was elected President
of Morgan College in August, 1902.
He has served the interests of the
College and the colored people of this
State for thirty-five years. He is an
outstanding educator and an exponent
of justice for all peoples.
Dr. Spencer is an ordained min-
ister, a member of the Baltimore Con-
ference, Methodist Episcopal Church.
He believes in and lives according to
Christian principles. He has gone out
on the highways and by-ways of life
to bring a little sunshine and happi-
ness to people who needed it. When
he was asked to go one mile, Dr.
Spencer always went two. He would
give his coat and his cloak also when
only one garment was requested. He
possesses in abundance those intan-
gible qualities of love, sympathy,
mercy, and devotion.
Dr. Spencer is Chairman of the
Maryland Inter-racial Commission, a
member of the Board of Control of
the State Reformatory for Colored
Boys (Cheltenham), a member of the
N. A. A. C. P., a charter member of
the Board of the Association for the
Handicapped, and all organizations
which have for their ideals the better-
ment of the conditions for the Negroes
of Maryland and the nation.
Mr. Wilson is Registrar and Direc-
tor of Publicity at Morgan College.
He was educated at Morgan College
and Columbia University. He was a
Sergeant-Company Clerk in the U. S.
Army during the World War. He is
the Executive Secretary of the Mary-
land Commission on Scholarships for
Negroes, Secretary of the Colored
Voters' League of Maryland, Corre-
sponding Secretary of the Maryland
Grand Jurors' Association, and a
member of the Executive Committee
of the Local Branch of the N. A. A.
C. P.
In addition to the above duties, Mr.
Wilson finds much of his time taken
up with activities in the following
organizations in which he holds mem-
bership: Walter Green Post, Amer-
ican Legion; American Association of
Collegiate Registrars; Omega Psi Phi
Fraternity; Sigma Pi Phi (Boule); Pi
Lambda Psi (Scholastic Honorary
Society); M. E. Church, and various
committees of an educational nature.
Mr. Wilson was married in 1922 to
Miss Alice M. Waring, public school
teacher of Baltimore. Two children
have come from, this union: Frances
Elizabeth and Edward, Jr.