Schoolmaster's Club
W. Cato Anderson
24S5 McCulloh St.
Seven Wise Men
Irvin Scribner
717 N. Carrollton Ave.
The Shelter for Aged and Infirm Colored
Mrs. Emma Webber (White) in charge
617 W. Biddle St.
Sharp Street Community House
Miss Geraldine Tonque
1210 Etting St.
Social Workers' Round Table of Baltimore
Chas. J. Kins:
2410 Woodbrook Ave.
St. Mary's Home for Little Colored Boys
Presstman and Vincent Sts.
near Gilmor Sister Susan
St. Catherine's Convent, cor. Harlem and
Arlington Aves.
Sister Cecelia Mary Victoria
Rev. Joseph Handley, Director.
Union Political Club
Edward R. Bunch
1527 McCulloh St.
United Usher Board Association
Henry Sorrell
910 W. Mulberry St.
W. C, T. U.
Mrs. Violet Hill Whyte
625 N. Carrollton Ave.
Women's Co-operative Civic League
Mrs. Sarah C. Fernandis
2003 Druid Hill Ave,
Young Men's Christian Association
1619 Druid Hill Ave,
Earl Martin. Secretary
Wm. H. Langley. Treas.. 1614 Mc-
Culloh St.
Y. W. C. A.
1200 Druid Hill Ave.
Miss Mabel L. Whiting
Women's Interdenominational Missionary
Union (Interracial)
Mrs. Milton C. Lang
2117 Belair Road.
Young People's City-Wide Forum
Miss Juanita Jackson
1216 Druid Hill Ave.
Walter Green Post No. 14
Dr. Guy Bowley, Commander
519 N. Carrollton Ave.
Linwood G. Koffer, Adj.
1214 Pennsylvania Ave.
Omega Psi Phi
O. R. Alexander, 1301 Penna. Ave,
Sigma Pi Phi
Pres. Ed. Wilson, 764 Dolphin St.
Alpha Phi Alpha
Prea. Furman Templeton
1602 McCulloh St.
Phi Beta Sigma
Pres. Dr. Bernard Harris,
120T N. Caroline St.
Kappa Alpha Psi
Pres. Dr. I. H. Young. 582 N. Carey St.
Zeta Phi Beta
Mae Williams
1816 Madison Ave.
Phi Delta Kappa
Ethel Lewis
Bellview Manchester Apts.
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Mabel Locks
537 Presstman St.
Delta Sigma Theta
Ruth Gregory
2129 Druid Hill Ave.
Alleyne, Vivian G., 1107 W. Lanvale St.
Alien, Inez, 716 N. Arlington Ave.
Carr. Eliz.. 515 Mosher St.
Cummings. Harry. 1318 Druid Hill Ave,
Cole. Leroy. 1402 Madison Ave,
Cothorn, Marguerite. 1301 Madison Ave.
Esters. Marguerite. 1301 Madison Ave,
Ewing, Edgar, Registrar, Bowie Normal
School, Bowie, Maryland
Fernandis, Sarah, 1427 Madison Ave.
Fields, Georgiana. 2111 McCulloh St.
Higginhothom. Eliza. 1622 Druid Hill Ave.
Garrett, Lula, 1301 Madison Ave.
Georere. Sadye. Maryland Training School
for Girls. Glenburnie. Md.
Hall, Virginia, 1301 Madison Ave.
Hall, Mande, 828 N. Carey St.
Hall, Vivian
Holmes, Albert. 1630 N. Carey St.
Holt, Helen, 1220 Druid Hill Ave.
Johnson, Mary C., Maryland Training
School for Girls. Glenburnie. Md.
Jackson, C. C., 2325 Madison Ave.
Jolly, Daisy, 2047 Division St.
King, Charles J., 2410 Woodbrook ave.
Lewis, Edward, 1538 Division St.
MEETINGS — Every Second
Tuesday Night In the Month,
Mrs. Martha B. Pulley, Pres.
2017 Pennsylvania Ave.
Mrs. Blanche Dixon. vice-Pres.
1626 Harlem Ave.
Miss Lillian Young. Fin. Sec.
1146 Argyle Ave,
Mrs. Martina Johnson, Chaplain
1428 Druid Hill Ave.
Mrs. Martha Wilson, Rec. Sec.
2101 Blk. Pennsylvania Ave,
Mrs. Bertha Poindexter, Trees.
833 Druid Hill Ave.
Mrs. Mabel King. Chairman of Board
1510 Pennsylvania Ave.
Bishop, Mrs. Elizabeth Anne, 1129 Druid
Hill Ave.
Carr, Mrs. Elizabeth, 2037 Division St
Coleman, Mrs. Clotelius, 521 N. Arlington
Finks, Mrs. Mary E., 1626 Harlem Ave
Y. M. C. A., 1619 Druid Hill Ave.
Gamby, Mrs. Julia. 1404 Druid Hill Ave.
Johnson, Mrs. Elizabeth, 2331 Madison Ave.
Johnson, Mrs. Helen Ash, 1317 N. Carey
Jones. Mrs. Beulah, 2019 Penna. Ave.
Kenney. Mrs. Edna, 1811 Penna. Ave.
Laws, Mrs. Viola, Presstman St. at Druid
Hill Ave.
Morris, Mrs. Lula, 1113 W. Lafayette Ave.
Meyers, Mrs. Rosa. 835 N. Fremont Ave.
McGathon, Mrs. Jennie, 1507 Edmondson
Parr, Mrs. E. Pauline, 640 Dolphin St.
Seaton, Mrs. Corrine. 402 Hoffman st.
Waters, Mrs. Virgie, 527 Cumberland St.
Mrs. E. M. Watts, 515 N. Arlington Ave.
White, Mrs. Blanche. 1724 N. Calhoun St.
Williams, Mrs. Ethel, 1624 Druid Hill Ave.
Wise, Mrs, Victoria, 1019 Madison Ave,