"When men and women who desire
to do the fair and equitable thing
toward the colored school population
are eager to know what the wishes of
colored people are. Their best source
of information is the Negroes them-
selves. White men and women, no
matter how well intentioned, cannot
evaluate the needs of Negro schools
nearly so well as Negroes can evalu-
ate them."
Scores of opinions were received,
but limited space will not permit more
of them to be printed. However, we
present here a copy of the letter sent
to Superintendent Weglein, which up
until the time we went to press it re-
mained unanswered.
Dr. David E. Weglein
Supt. of Public Instruction
3 E. 25th Street
Baltimore, Maryland
My Dear Mr. Weglein:
The Association for the Handi-
capped has become interested in the
movement on the part of the colored
citizens to have one of their number
appointed a member of the School
Board. We have sought the opinions
of educators in and outside of Balti-
more, white and colored. It is aston-
ishing how freely they have expressed
themselves on this question. The opin-
ions are almost unanimous in their as-
sertions that colored people should not
be kept off the Board merely because
of color.
We have sought the experience of
Superintendents in cities where col-
ored citizens are serving on Boards of
Education successfully and with dis-
tinction. Many of them feel that to
exclude Negro membership on such
Boards merely because of their color,
is indicative of prejudice and discrimi-
nation. In Baltimore no other reasons
can be justly assigned for the exclu-
sion of Negroes.
We have confidence in your fairness
and lack of prejudice. We believe that
you would not practice discrimination,
rumors to the contrary notwithstand-
ing. The rumor referred to is one to
the effect that you did not believe Ne-
groes should be permitted to serve on
the School Board in Baltimore. We
are desirous of securing from you, at
the earliest possible date, a frank,
clear-cut, statement as to your stand
on this important question. The col-
ored citizens of Baltimore are ready
to make an issue of this matter and
they would like to know the attitude
of their Superintendent. May I have
the pleasure of hearing from you be-
fore you leave the city on your vaca-
Respectfully yours,
Manager, Association for
the Handicapped, Inc.
March 16, 1937
Governor Harry W. Nice
Annapolis, Maryland
I am sending this letter in the inter-
est of Mr. Robert W. Coleman, who
has been interested in the Association
for the Handicapped, Inc., for more
than twenty-five years.
Last year, you issued a proclama-
tion for Negro Handicapped Week. We
are wondering if you would be as gen-
erous with us this year as last and
issue a proclamation designating May
16th to May 22nd as Negro Handi-
capped Week.
For your information, I am sending
you a copy of the proclamation issued
last year.
If this meets your approval, you can
send it directly to Mr. Coleman at
1145 Myrtle Avenue.
Thanking you for your many favors,
Respectfully vours,
Enclosure: 1
Executive Department
Annapolis, Maryland
March 17th, 1937.
Mr. Willard W. Alien,
1841 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Baltimore, Maryland.
Dear Mr. Alien:
I shall be delighted to issue the
Proclamation for Negro Handicapped
Week, May 16th to May 22nd, as per
your request of March 16th, and shall
cause the same to be sent directly to
Mr. Robert W. Coleman, 1145 Myrtle
Avenue, Baltimore.
I am sending your letter, together
with copy of this answer, on to Mr.
Hooper, and I will appreciate your
having Mr. Coleman get in touch with
Mr. Hooper prior to May 16th, in or-
der that there may be no slip in the
Sincerely yours,
Harry W. Nice, Governor.
Executive Department
Annapolis, Maryland