firm becoming known as Riall Jackson
and Company soon stamped itself as
one of the leading insurance agency
groups, not only of Baltimore, but of
the South. This partnership continued
until 1929, when Mr. Jackson bought
out the interests of Mr. Riall.
In 1923, announcement that Howard
W. Jackson was a candidate for the
high office as Mayor, was heralded
with delight by thousands of friends,
and in a three-cornered fight, he won
by the largest majority that had ever
been given to a Mayor of Baltimore
up to that time.
Retiring from public office in 1927,
Mr. Jackson devoted the next four
years to his insurance business, and
again in the election of 1931 he was
deluged with requests to again be-
come a candidate for Mayor, and
accepted after a petition of more than
sixty thousand voters had been placed
before him. His success in the gen-
eral election is still remembered as
he was swept into office over his Re-
publican opponent, William G. Al-
brecht, by a majority of over sixty-
three thousand, the largest majority
ever given to a mayoralty candidate
in the City of Baltimore.
In May of 1935 Mayor Jackson was
elected by another large majority for
his third term of office. His victory
in the primary election and later in
the general election was generally
accepted as a tribute to his splendid
business ability which carried the city
through several years of depression
in a healthy financial condition, while
the severe problem of aiding the un-
employed was met by adequate munic-
ipal participation in the various
phases of the situation. The fact that
Mayor Jackson had placed the city
on a balanced budget system, free
from floating debt and at the same
time maintaining all the vital opera-
tions of government without impair-
ment undoubtedly contributed largely
to his success at the polls in connec-
tion with his campaign for re-election.
Baltimore has been widely adver-
tised throughout the nation as a city
with money in bank, and Mayor
Jackson has generally been given
credit for this condition.
Mr. Daniel Ellison, who for the
fourth time has served as City Coun-
cilman from the Fourth District, is
now a candidate for Congress.
His rich and rare experience as the
only Republican Councilman has par-
ticularly fitted him to represent the
colored voters as Congressman, for he
has had the experience of represent-
ing minority groups both in race and
He is keen, alert, capable, sincere
and honest in his convictions.
Is a loyal friend and ever ready to
serve his constituents.
He is running on a very generous
platform that should appeal to every
forward thinking citizen, especially
the colored voter.
He has pledged himself to "Social
Security"—pensions for the aged and
unemployed and aid to the handi-
Equal rights for all, regardless of
race, creed or color.
To support the Howard University
To support the N. A. A. C. P. in
their anti-lynch bill.
He believes in higher education for
all regardless of race and will work
to that end.
Basing his future conduct on past
performance as City Councilman he is
asking you to give him a chance to
represent you in Congress where he
can do bigger and better things, not
only for Maryland, but can help in
the big problems that confront minor-
ity groups everywhere.