United Usher Board Association
Henry Sorrell
810 W. Mulberry St.
W. C. T. U.
Mrs. Violet Hill Whyte
663 George St.
Women's Co-operative Civic League
Mrs. Sarah C. Fernandas
1427 Madison Ave.
Young Men's Christian Association
1619 Druid Hill Ave.
S. R, Morrell, 2416 McCulloh St.
Wm. H, Langley, Treas., 1614 Mc-
Culloh St.
City-Wide Young People's Forum
1200 Druid Hill Ave.
Miss Mabel L. Whiting
Young People's City-Wide Forum
Miss Juanita Jackson
1216 Druid Hill Ave,
Walter Green Pont No. 14
Dr. Guy Rowley, Coinmnnder
519 N. Carrollton Ave.
Linwond O. Koger, Adj.
1214 Pennsylvania Ave.
Omega Psi Phi
Prra. C. R. Alexander. 1301 Penna. Ave.
Sec. Howard D. Pindell.
2S24 Druid Mill Ave.
Sigma Pi Phi
Pres. R. V. Cook. 2028 McCulloh St.
Sec...John J. Wheeler, 201S Division St.
Alpha Phi Alpha
Pres. Furman Templeton.
1502 McCulloh St.
Sec. C. C. Jackson. 2325 Madison Ave.
Phi Beta SiKma
Pres. Dr. Robert Hill,
1700 Druid Hill Ave.
See. Alfred Dixon, 1117 Whitelock St.
Kappa Alpha Psi
Pres. Dr. I. H. Young, 532 N. Carey St,
Sec. Monroe Scott, 527 Dolphin St.
Zeta Phi Beta
Thelma Coleman
2039 McCulloh St.
Phi Delta Kappa
Ethel Lewis
Beliview Manchester Apts,
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Mabel Locks
537 Presstman St.
Delta Sigma Theta
Helen King, 2410 Woodbrook Ave.
Alpha Phi Alpha
Herbert G. Hardin, President
Beta Kappa Chi (Scientific)
Professor Milton L. Galloway. Faculty
Adviser. Milton L. Branson, President.
Kappa Alpha Psi
James Daugherty. President
Phi Beta SiKma
Thomas Williamaon, President
Omega Psi Phi
Richard L. Sowell, President
Pi Lambda Pai (Scholastic Honorary)
Prof. George SpauIdinE. President
SORORITIES (Under Grad.)
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Corinda O. Stewart, President
Delta Sigma Theta
Beatrice L, Hayes. President
Zeta Phi Beta
Mrs. Ruth White Willis
Dramatic Club
Professor Ollington E. Smith, Faculty
Eugene Byrd, President
Choral Club
Violet S. Banks, Director
Y. M. C. A.
Professor Howard L. Cornish, Faculty
David N, Henderson. President
y. w. c. A.
Edna M. Hopkins. Faculty Adviser
Beatrice Hayes, President
French Club
Mrs. Blanche D. Hughes, Faculty Ad-
Botanical Club
Professor Chan. Key. Faculty Adviser
The Church
Professor Wm. H. Easton
The Sunday-School
Professor Howard L. Cornish
Student Council
Milton Branson, Pres.