Woodyard, Dr. Eriah Hezekinh, 1231
Myrtle ave.
Young. Howard E.. 1140 Druid Hill ave,
Dickerson's Pharmacy. Riggs and
Fowler's Pharmacy, 1211 Druid Hill ave.
Green's Pharmacy. 416 Laurens st.
Kerr's Pharmacy. 723 George st.
Weaver's Pharmacy, Presstman and Druid
Hill ave.
Young's Pharmacy. 1140 Druid Hill ave.
Baynham, O, Lindsey, 1421 Penna. ave.
Bond, Roy S.. 14 E. Pleasant st.
Bishop, W. Norman, 1107 Druid Hill ave.
Briscoe, Arthur E.. H E. Pleasant st.
Buckner. Wm. T.. 2429 McCulloh st.
Cole. Emory R.. 14 E. Pleasant st.
Daniels, Henry M,. 60S St. Paul pl.
Evans, George W.. 608 St. Paul pl.
Fitzgerald, William, 1206 Druid Hill ave.
Gosnell, Wm I., 14 E. Pleasant st.
Hawkins, W. Ashbie. 14 E, Pleasant St.
Hawkins. Gregory. 1532 Druid Mill ave.
Hampton, John H.. 14 E. Pleasant st.
Henry, Josiah F., Jr., 8 E. Lexington st.
Hughes, W. A. C.. Jr., Phoenix Bldg.,
4 E. Redwood st.
Jackson, Ephraim, 14 E. Pleasant st.
Knox. Thomas, 5424 W. Franklin St.
Koger. G. Linwood, 1214 penna. ave.
Koger, A. B., 1214 Pennn. ave.
Lane, Everett E., 109 E. Pleasant st.
McMechen. Geo. W. F., 14 E. Pleasant st.
Marshall, Thurgood, Phoenix Bldg., 4 E.
Redwood st.
McGuinn, Robert P., Phoenix Bldg.,
4 B. Redwood St.
McGuinn, Warner T., Phoenix Bldg.,
4 E. Redwood st.
McBeth, Goberth, 14 E. Pleasant st,
Nicholas. Dallas, 14 E. Pleasant st.
Payne, J. Howard, Phoenix Bldg.. 4 E.
Redwood st.
Phillips, F. Karl, Phoenix Bldg. 4 E.
Redwood st.
Smith, Clark L., 620 W. Franklin St.
Thomas, Wm. E.. 109 E. Pleasant st.
Thompkins. Richard, 848 Edmondson ave.
Woodgerry, Peter L.. 14 E. Pleasant St.