J. Finley Wilson, Grand Exalted Ruler of
the Improved Benevolent Protective Order of
Elks of the World. The most dynamic frater-
nal leader the world has ever known, has com-
pleted his llth year as the Grand Exalted
Ruler of the I. B. P. O. E. of W., and it would
have been hard to have found a leader who
could have carried the Order through the rough
shoals of the depression of the past several
years, as the "Little Napoleon" as he is fondly
called by his friends, has done. It is felt by all,
that his experience is needed for the successful
continuance of a larger Elk's program. It is
hoped that he will continue his work for the
love of God and the good of Humanity.
Managing Editor, Baltimore Afro-American
Mr. Jones, who in regarded as an able jour-
nalist, is equally well known for his passsion-
ate interest in civic and welfare problems.
Althougrh many regard him as a radical, he is
found working shoulder to shoulder with all
Croups in Baltimore. He is vice-president of
the Baltimore Urban League and is looked
upon as a general big brother by most of the
young people of the Monumental City.
Executive Secretary, Baltimore Urban League
Mr. Lewis, who succeeded Dr. Thomas I.
Brown as Executive Secretary, is regarded as
one of the ablest officials of the organization,
which has branches in nearly half a hundred
cities. Before coming to Baltimore he served
as executive secretary of the Kansas City
Urban League, and his work there was distin-
guished by the success he achieved in making
opportunities for our group. Mr, Lewis is a
graduate of the University of Chicago. In
Baltimore he is becoming one of the ablest
factors in the development of the community.