SCHOOL No, 125—Pennsylvania, Avenue and Dolphin Street
SCHOOL No. 127—Biddle Street near Pennsylvania Avenue
Proctor. Robert A . 1735 N Carey st
Durand Consuelo J , 2806 Hollins Ferry rd
Croll. Henrietta 2336 Ivy ave
Gloster, Florence G . 1528 McCulloh st
Boston, Georgia, 1603 Harlem ave
Carr, Ruby Lee, 1138 N Carrollton ave
Davis. Blanche M , 714 W Lafayette ave
Proctor, William H . Prin . 714 N. Carroll-
ton ave.
Armstrong. Alice G, 2003 Madison ave
Blay, Marie I , 852 Park ave
Bowie, Ruth R . 1203 Myrtle ave
Connor, Katherine 2562 McCulloh st.
Dorey Milton Q , Vice-Prin 411 Biddle st
Evans. Lucretia, 918 N. Gllmor st
Eagles,. Grace L... 1320 S st N W, Wash-
ington. D C
Gearing, Selma O.. 1139 N Carey st
Holmes, Viola C., 1137 Harlem ave
Harm. Anne E , 326 Harlem ave
Hill. Lillian B, 1210 Harlem ave
McDaniels, Cora T. 1929 Druid Hill ave
Tilghman, Elsie E Plymouth Hall Apt ,
Wlltian and Madison aves
Williams Alphua P. 1929 Druid Hill aye
Armstrong, Alice G . 2008 Madison ave
Bowie. Ruth R , 1203 Myrtle ave.
Collins, Hilda Y. 1827 Madison are
Connor, Kathenne L , 2552 McCulloh st
Cook, Caroline L,, Ken . 509 W Lafayette
Gearing. Selma O , 1S39 N Carey st
Henry. Cordelia E , 1418 Division Bt
Hill Lillian B , 1210 Harlem ave
Keys, Otho R , 822 N Fremont ave
McMechen, Mildred, 2007 McCulloh st
McDamels. Cora F , 1929 Druid Hill ave
Williams. Alphua P , 1929 Druid Hill ave
Games, Gladys E, 1114 E Madison st.
Hall, rubella A. 1911 Druid Hill ave.
Harris, Anne E , 538 St Mary st
Moore, E. Parker, 804 Carrollton ave.
Moulton, Herbert, 261 Robert st
Wright, Agnes B . 2121 McCulloh st.
SCHOOL No. 131—Druid Hill near Biddle Street
Mi-Rae, Blanche W . 1126 Druid Hill ave
Major, Emma N , 1826 Westwood ave.
Bradford, Alethra R, 1102 Myrtle ave
Francis, Alma T . 314 W Hoffman st.
SCHOOL No. 128—Schroeder and Pierce Street
Roberta, Clarence, Prin.. 610 N Carrollton
Banks, Catherine, 302 Laurens st
Downing, Vernice, 610 Pitcher st
Genus, Bernice, 1427 W Lafayette ave
Gray, Louise C,, 633 N Calhoun st
Gwathney, Camilla, 418 N Arlington ave
Hall, Vivian, 2432 Madison ave.
Holliday, Margaret. 1222 Argyle ave
Johnson, Bennye. 502 Bloom st
Lansey. Agnea, 1123 Park ave
Matthews. Margaret, 2036 McCulloh st
Mills, Lillie Mae, 1817 McCulloh st
Pulley. Carne J , M1G Pmitman st
Reid, Maltha A , 1002 N, Carrollton ave
Rutherford, Maryland, 1600 Division st
Saunders, Elizabeth, 2446 Woodbrook ave
Springs. Frances R , 618 N Caroline st
SCHOOL No. 129—Harford and Ashland Aves.
Henderson, Elmer A , Prin , 1164 N Carey
Anderson. Mary E , 603 Bloom st
Bowers Anne R , 2557 McCulloh st
Britt Gladys H , 1313 Presstman st
Brown, S Louise, 502 W. Lafayette ave
Chambers Alice T . 2021 McCulloh st
Chapman, Dorothy, 605 Gold ft
Ewell. Fannie, 2019 Madison ave
Felton, Mildred I , 1223 W Lafayette ave,
Fletcher, Kathenne E. 427 P st . N.W
Wash , D C
Gross. Anita P , 2418 Etting st
Harris, Armanella E,. 1364 N Calhoun St.
Julius. Bertha E , 1119 N Stricker st
Koger, Katherine M,, 1619 Division st
Pierson Mildred B . 620 Dolphin st
Rollins, Georgia S , 929 N Dallas st
Scott. Ellen F . 1709 E Madison st
Stewart A Naomi, 1039 Argryle ave
Thomas, Elena, 2141 Druid Hill ave
Watson. Mary B , 1709 Druid Hill ave.
Webb, Walter T., 2409 Madison ave
SCHOOL No. 154—Fairfield, Md.
Quille, Beagle C , 1304 W Lafayette ave
Summonds, Lillian F, 2519 Madison ave,
Pinckney, Carrie B , 213 N Bethel st
Grinage Jeannette 2440 Woodbrook ave,
Queen, Daisy A , 2118 Druid Hill ave.,