Mr. Robert W. Coleman
Mr. Coleman is a widely known figure, not only
for his directory, but for a number of other of his
worthy activities in the public life of Baltimore. He
created and has published each year since 1913. The
First Colored Directory of Baltimore City, with Wash-
ington Annex. Similar works have baen compiled in
other cities in imitation of Mr. Coleman's idea. Ho
also conceived and organized, with the assistance of
six other grentlemen, The Association for the Handi-
capped, Incorporated, which since 1913 has been ac-
tive in contributing to the interests of the deaf, dumb,
blind, crippled and feeble-minded.
He was born November 3, 1876, in Washington,
D. C., attended the public schools, and graduated
from the old M Street High School business depart-
ment in 1894, and is the son of A. B. Coleman who.
associated with the younger Frederick Douglas, helped
organize the Colored Forty-fourth, Forty-fifth and
Fifty-fifth Massachusetts regiments during the dark
days of the War of the Rebellion. For their services
they received the thanks of the legislature of Boston,
His mother was Mary Catherine Jones Colaman. He
married Miss Mary Mason of Baltimore and has six
children. All girls. Mr. Colerman is a relative of the his
Judge Robert H. Terrell.
Though stricken with almost complete blindnes
after he reached adult manhood, he has continued his
active interests in public life, and is greatly devoted
ta social work, including the colored ease work con-
ference and the Y. M. C. A., of which he was at
one time a member of the board of directors.
Francis M. Wood
Superintendent S. Sch.,
Catonsville, M.I.
"For Kingdom Building"
Joseph B. Mason
Ch. Clerk
305 Presstmann Slreet
Waller Thorn ton
General Sec. S. School
555 Presstmann St.
Union Baptist Church
1217 Druid Hill Avenue.
Caroline Murray
Fin. Clerk
1614 Madison Avenue
Paul B. Brabham
Pres. Men's Missionary
2221 Division St.
340 Dolphin Slreet
F . H. Fisher
Chairman Deacon Board
1115 Park Avenue
Viola Coleman
Pres. Missionary Circle
2039 McCulloh St.
9:30 a.m., Sunday School 6:00 p.m. B. Y. P. U.
11:00 p.m.. Preaching 8:00 p.m., Preamble
Communion and Reception or New Members
every First Sunday Evening:.
Joseph P. Evans
Chairman Trustee Board
900 Brevard Street
Estelle Harwell
Pres. Utility Organization
1107 Carrollton Ave.
8:00 p.m. ..... Teacher Training Class
8:00 p.m. ........... Bible Class
8:00 p.m. ....... Senior Choir Practice
Benjamin P. Dixon
9 Chairman Financial Board
1518 N. Mourn Street
Margaret R. Jefferson
Pres, B. Y. P. V.
9131V. Gilmor St.
Deaver Smith
4527 Craddock Avenue
YOUR MOTHER——When n mother has given her strength. often her health,
to care for her children, it is little, indeed, to ask in return tha! they pay to her as much
as they do to acquaintances. There will come a day, boys and girls, when you will
be very, very sorry for every word or deed that hurt your father or mother, a day when
vou will want only a chance to let them know how sorry you are—if there could he
just a few years to be kind and repay in some pari your big debt—but it will be too late.