Mrs. Beulah West Johnson, Chief Clerk at the Frederick Douglass Senior
Junior High School, was born in Annapolis, Md., daughter of the late William
and Kate West. She was reared and educated im this city, Baltimore, her parents
having settled here when she was but an infant.
Mrs. Johnson, from the offset, was an unusually bright, energetic and con-
scientious pupil, graduating from the grammar school Valdictorian of her class.
Entering high school in 1907, she finished the course in three and one-half years,
a member of the memorable Class of 1911. This class is exceptional in that two-
thirds of its members have and are making a creditable showing in the profes-
sional world. There are eight on the present faculty of the Douglass High School,
among whom are the President of the Alumni Association, the Vocational Coun-
sellor for the Senior High and the Librarian.
Mrs. Johnson finished training in 1913, receiving her appointment as teacher
in the public schools of this city the same year. Her work was handled in such
manner that her critics and observers were led to believe that she must have had
previous experience. The news of her resignation was received by all concerned
with deep regret.
Mrs. Johnson, since marriage, has devoted the most of her time to clerical
work, due to the fact that the rules governing married women were not as favor-
able to teachers as of late. She started her career as clerk in the service of the
United States Government, Washington, D. C., at the beginning of the World
War and has worked in many departments. Her work on all occasions was con-
sidered highly efficient, and it was during her last appointment in the War De-
partment Adjutant General's office that she was made temporary chief of her
division, receiving a rating of 96.48 %.
It was during this appointment that Mrs. Johnson left Washington to accept
the assistant clerkship at the above named school. When in office but three
months it became necessary for her to take over the entire responsibility, at which
time she passed the examination for this position ranking ninth out of 500 and
first among race competitors, making an average of 84.25%. Mrs. Johnson has
unusual executive ability and has been adjudged by many prominent citizens as
well as school officials a capable woman and one well fitted for the post she holds.
Her charm and dignity add much to the tone of the school.
Mrs. Johnson is an ardent worker in the Baptist Church and is well recog-
nized for her ability in public speaking. One of her most recent and creditable
speeches was noted in her presentation of the Mayor of this city in a national
convention held here during July of this year. Upon taking the platform the
Mayor referred to Mrs. Johnson's speech as most eloquent. The Baltimore Daily
Post (white), in its write-up, had this to say: "On the basis of grammar and
vocabulary, there was no reason for her being ashamed of comparison with the
speech which followed. Whatever differences there existed were entirely in her
favor. Her talk was sensible, well delivered and pleasant."