L No. 104— Carey and School Str
Redman, Mary E., 1394 N. Calhoun st.
Brass, Marie, 1419 6th al., N.W. Wash
ington. D. C.
Connor, Hck'na N., 2oS2 MeCulloh st.
Dorni'y, Olga N., 1812 Fremont ave.
Dorsey, Lillian C.. WM McL'ulluh at.
Dutton, Annie- M.. fjZR Orchard st.
Fields, Josephine E., 1736 MeCulloh at.
Fishor. Mabel I., 808 N. Krumont avc.
Gearing. .Selma O., 1339 N. Carey st.
(irons, Clarence I''., 638 W. Lee st.
Royo, Irene E., 1.102 MfCulloh St.
-Henderson, Elmer. 1154 Carey st.
Holmes, Roberta F.. 564 Presstman st.
Ijsmen. Isabella, 514 Baker st.
Johnson, Emily G., 17(15 Druid Hill ave.
Madison K713-J.
Lawrencp, Georgia C., 747 George st.
McMechen, Mildred, Ii007 Mc.OulIoh St.
Nickens, William E.. 2215 Druid Hill ave.
Quillc, Beaaie C.. 923 N. Carey st.
Russell. Ruth L., 726 Dolphin st
Smallwood. Eva M., 1933 Druid Hill ave
Smith. Odessa H., 908 N. Carey st.
Smith. Etheldra A.. 1122 Riggs ave.
Smith. Mary W.. 2304 Druid Hill ave.
Stokes, MaRsie, 1921 Pivieioii st.
Tibbs, Elmira A., 413 Prrsstmnn st.
Browh. Mary A.
Derry, Gladys H.. Morgan Park.
Brownk'y. Marguerite E.. 2435 MeCulloh si
Hendn-Ron, Elmer A.. 11S4 N, Carey st.
Killion, Adah L.. 13B7 N. Calhoun st.
Thompson, Anita H.. 2012 Druid Hill «Vf.
Watts. Adah H.. 1811 MeCulloh at.
Wehb. Walter T.. 1!)28 Druid Hill avi'.
Hawkins. James B.. U12 Gilmor st.
Wi'aviT. Cornt-lia M.. 1426 McCulloh rt.
SCHOOL (No. 105)— East
Street Near Lexington Street
EBB, HENRY W., Principal. 1539 Arcyle
Barnea, Frank E.. 1217 W. Lafayette ave.
Bell, Eugene H.. 1222 W. Lafayette ave.
Camper. Mary .1.. 1119 N. Carrollton avt.
Chew, Michelle. 804 N. Stricker ave.
Gallen. Helen B.. 1110 Patapsco st.
Garrison. Madeline, 1203 Winchester st.
Hamit. Mary R., 1334 W. Lafayette ave.
Lawson. Frances L., 122 Prospect st.
Murden, Maud I., Druid Hill ave.
Taylor. Gwendolyn 1'., 1802 Presstman st
Williams. Martha. 1814 Madison ave.
Young, Clifton C.. 1526 E. Madison at.
YounR. Mary V.. 1730 McCulloh st.
Special Activities
Dr. H. P. Hushes, 825 N. Fremont ave.
Miss Ruth E. Taylor. Drawing 428 E
23rd St.
Miss Sarah Yancy, Phy. Tr., 1609 Druid
Hill ave.
Mrs. Jennie Mills. Attend. Officer. 818 S.
Eutaw st.. South 1196.
Mrs. Julia Phillips. Nurse. 1512 Mad, ave.
GEO. A. OWENS, Principal. 543 Presst
man st,
Ashe, Calvin R. 2028 Madison ave.
Carter. Howard B.. 650 W. Lanvnle st.
Carter, Eugene A., 2695 McCulluh st.
Chase, Rosa L. 1514 McCulloh st.
De Vere. Marjorie E., 1021 Madison ave.
Locks. Mabel E., 637 Prosstman st.
Lowers, Adele R., 1408 I St., Sparrow
Point, Md.
Lewis, Floyd C,. 2022 Madison ave.
Murray. Caroline. Clerk. 1414 Madison ave.
Mullen. Leonard B., 1132 N. Carey st.
Robinson, James M 415 N. Carey st
Russell, Esther E. S., 726 Dolphin st.
Smith. Carrie M., 1428 Argyle ave.
Smith. Leroy, 411 Cumberland st.
Sewell, Frank J., Vice-Principal. 1421
Druid Hill ave.
Young, Beatrice A.. 310 N. Carey st.
SCHOOL No. 106-A
E. PARKER MOORE. Teacher in Charge
57 Kelley ave.. Mt. Washington. Md,
Bennette, Jessye E., 1741 N. Carey st.
Chase, Sadie E, 2127 McCulloh st.
Curtis, Rowena, 1334 W. Lafayette ave.
Francis. Alma T., 314 W. Hoffman st.
Gaines. Gladys E., 1414 E. Madison st.
Greene. Mary J. 431 N. Gilmor at.
Hershaw, Fay M., 2027 McCulloh St.
Henry. Antoinette O. 596 Prestman st.
Kyler, Mary E., Mt. Winans, Md.
Lansey, Agnes L.. 3123 Park ave.
Smith, Esther B., 712 Dolphin st.
Wright. Regenia E., 2121 McCulloh st
Williams. Aurelia. 1907 Druid Hill nve
WM. H. McABEE, Principal, 122S W. La-
fayette ave.
Ammons, Hilda M.. 1918 Division st.
Anderson, Mary E., 503 Bloom St.
Anderson, Bessie A., 824 N. Carey st.
Blake. E. Bernard, 2.182 McCulluh st.
Boston. M. Roberta. 1144 Argyle ave.
Bnrkctt. Cathrine. Old Frederick Rd.
Camper, Mary J., 1119 Carrollton ave.
Hunt. Harry .1., Jr., 1002 W. Lafayette ave.
SCHOOL No. 110 and 110-A-
Hutchens, Marie C., 140 Winter ave.
Catonsville. Md.
Ga.skins. Anita C.. 410 Orchard St.
Fessenton. Edglenner, 918 Cathedral St.
Fields, Mabel C.. 573 Presstman et.
Gray. Louise C., 1407 N. Carey st,
Smith, M. Louise, 627 Cumberland St.
Batson, Annie M., 1414 W. Franklin st
Hall, Vivian A., 1342 W. Lafayette ave.
Hill, Ida C., 463 George st.
Waeche Street, Near Fremont
Jackson. Eldridge B., 2549 McCulloh st.
Jackson, Mary R., 829 Harlem ave.
Sanders, Alma C., 426 W. Biddlle st.
Stanford, Louvenia W.. B21 Robert Kt.
Lloyd, Emma, 3407 Barclay st.
White. Ruth M.. 1288 W. Lafayi-tt.: ave.
Wilson. Edna Mae, 544 Dolphin at.
:.Mantley. Eloisc. 2533 MeCulloh st.
Hebron, Lillian Mae. 579 Oxford si.
Durand, Conwuelo J., 560 Presstman st.
Thompson. Clara M., 3409 Barclay st.
Macbeth, Robert E., 2101 Druid Hill ave.
Jones. Florence E., 2525 McCulloh st.
Johnson. Carlitta C., 432 W, Biddle st.
Clarke, Emma E., 1138 Druid Hill ave.
Loe, M. Louise. Linthicum Heights
Lomax, Frances, 2007 Druid Hill ave.
Nowton. Mary B.. 2111 Madison ave.
Powers. Lauretta T., 1323 Harlem ave.
Trotman, Bessie M., 1418 W. Lanvale st.
Queen. Lawrence W., 1218 Argyle ave.
Thompson, Martha J., 1203 Clendimen st.