Alexander Memorial, Between 27th and 28th St., N. W., Rev. L. R. Frayser.
Antioch, Mass. Ave., between 2nd and 3rd St., N. W., Rev. Peter Ailer.
Beream Baptist, 11th and V St., N. W., Rev. D. F. Rivers.
Bethelehem, Nicholas Ave., Rev. Pace.
Church of God and Saints of Christ, 4th and New York Ave., N. W., Rev. Oliver
Cosmopolitan Temple, N. St., between 9th and 10th Sts., N. W., Rev. Simon P. W.
Canaan, 1120 20th St., N. W., Rev. David Pollard.
Ebenezer, New Jersey Ave. near D St., N. W., Rev. Archie Robinson.
Emanuel, Garfield, Rev. George White.
Enon, 627 C. St., S. E., Rev. C. P. Connor.
First, 27th and Dumbarton Ave., N. W., Rev. James L. Finn.
First, Deanwood, Rev. G. W. Brent.
First, Sherman and Lamont St., N. W., Rev. Daniel Washington.
First, St. John Baptist, Irving St., near Georgia Ave., N. W.
Florida Ave., Florida Ave. and Bohrer Sts., N. W., Rev. W. O. Taylor.
Friendship, H and L Sts., S. W., Rev. Wm. H. Hill.
Gethsemane, New Hampshire Ave. and Washington Circle, N. W., Rev. J. T.
Grant Ave., 2221 9th St., N. W., Rev. L. R. Artis.
Israel, 632 N. E., Rev. John H. Burke.
Jerusalem, 2606 P St., N. W., Rev. George H. Harris.
Liberty, 23rd and H Sts., N. W., Rev. H. Powell.
Lincoln Heights, 50th and Washington Sts., N. E., Rev. Alexander A. Taliaferro.
Little Ark, 441 Washington St., N. W., Rev. Wm. L. Morton.
McKinley Memorial, 4th and L Sts., N. W., Rev. S. G. Lambkin.
Macedonia, Sheridan Rd., S. E., Rev. Wm. Williams.
Metropolitan, R St., between 12th and 13th Sts., N. W., Rev. M. W. D. Norman.
Mt. Airy, L St., between Capitol and 1st Sts., N. W., Rev. A. J. Tyler.
Mt. Bethel, 205 V St., N. W., Rev. A. H. Catlett.
Mt. Calvary, 622 Marion Ct, N. W., Rev. P. Haves.
Mt. Carmel, I and 3rd Sts., N. W., Rev. W. H. Jernagin.
Mt. Gilead, 2226 6th St., N. W., Rev. T. T. Taylor.
Mt. Horeb, 217 16th St., N. E., Rev. C. Fox.
Mt. Jezerel, 5th and E Sts., S. E., Rev. J. P. Greene.
Mt. Lebanon, 814 25th St., N. W., Rev. Theo. Williams.
Mt. Moriah, 2nd, corner N Sts., N. W., Rev. J. Harvey Randolph.
Mt. Nebo, Kalorama Rd. between Chaplain Ave. and Ontario Rd., N. W., Rev.
Wm. H. McLain.
Mt. Olive, 6th St. between L ar.d M Sts., N. E., Rev. R. A. Carter.
Mt. Paran, 1029 1st St., S. W., Rev. Wiiey Westray.
Mt. Pleasant, 11th and V Sts., N. W., Rev. Robert Anderson.
Mt. Sinai, 708 O St., N. W., Rev. L. M. Stevens.
Tabernacle, Burrville, Rev. J. A. L. Washington.
Mt. Zion, 13th St. corner C St., N. E., Rev. Wm. N. Downs.
New Bethel, 9th St. corner S St., N. W., Rev. William D. Jarvis
Nineteenth St., 19th St. corner L St., N. W., Rev. Walter H. Brooks.
Northeast, 424 3rd St., N. E., Rev. Winston B. Hill.
Peace, H St. between 13th and 14th Sts., N. E., Rev. H. N. Moore.
Pilgrim, 3rd St. corner Van St., S. W., Rev. W. L. Washington.
Providence, M St. between 4 1/2 and 6th Sts., S. W., Rev. Aquilla Sayles.
Rehoboth, 1st St. between N and O Sts., S. W., Rev. John Richards.
Rock Creek, Tennallytown, Rev. Wm. A. Jones.
St. John's 340 W St., N. W., Rev. W. Johnson.
St. Luke's, Oregan Ave., Brightwood, Rev. Shelton Miller.
St. Matthew, 1105 New Jersey Ave., S. E., Rev. I. Wright.
Salem, Chaplain, Kalorama and Columbia Rds., Rev. R. D. Grymes.
St. Phillips, Chain Bridge Rd., N. W., Rev. Jos. H. Lee.
Second, 3rd St. between H and I Sts., N. W., Rev. J. L. S. Holloman.
Tabernacle, Delaware Ave. between L. and M. Sts., S. W., Rev. K. D. Hall.
Tenth Street, 10th corner R St., N. W., Rev. Alexander Wilbanks.
Third, 5th and Que Sts., N. W., Rev. George Bullock.
Trinidad, 1100 Blandensburgr Rd., N. E., Rev. S. D. Franklin.
Trinity, Ivy City, Rev. E. T. Lewis.
Union, 2437 M St., N. W., Rev. Daniel T. Coles.
Vermont Ave., Vermont Ave. Que and R Sts.. N. W., Rev. James E. Willis.
Walker Memorial, 13th St. between U and V Sts., N. W.
Zion, F St. between 3rd and 4 1/2 Sts., S. W., Rev. William Howard.
Zion, Deanwood, Rev. Thomas Broadus.