Miss Ida R. Cummings is one of the
women in Baltimore who has given
unstinted service to her race. She re-
ceived her education in the public
schools of Baltimore, and is a pioneer
in kindergarten work, having the dis-
tinction of being the first colored kin-
dergarten teacher appointed in the pu-
lic schools of Maryland. She is a
graduate of the Baltimore Kindergar-
ten Training School Association, and
also a post-graduate. Miss Cummings
has studied in the Chicago Kindergar-
ten College and is a graduate of Mor-
gan College, Class of 1922, and has
been a successful teacher in the Balti-
more public schools for a number of
For eighteen years Miss Cummings
has been president of the Colored
Fresh Air and Empty Stocking- Circle,
which organization has gladdened the
hearts of many thousand children
through the annual Christmas treat
and the week's stay at the Fresh Air
At the beginning of the World War Miss Cummings was appointed by Gov-
ernor Harrington as chairman of the Woman's Section Council of Defense, and
the work done by the women of the state ranks among the best.
Miss Cummings is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in 1920
was elected as a delelgate to the General Conference.
Miss Frances Murphy by sheer merit
rose from a teacher in the grades to
a teacher of theory in the Normal
School. She has also taught in sum-
mer schools, at Morgan College and
in the South. Her latest appointment
was assistant supervisor over the pri-
mary grades.