Mrs. Murphy still lives in the
hearts of her friends. Her biggest
monument is the Y. W. C. A. Build-
ing, which was purchased and re-
modeled as a home for working girls
during the fifteen years she held the
office of president.
A handsome memorial window was
presented to Madison Street Presby-
terian Church by her husband this
year. Warner T. McGuinn made the
presentation address.
Mrs. Bessie Talbot Thomas is the
daughter of Mr. and Wm. H. Talbott
Her father Mr. Talbot is one of the
most active and prosperous farmers
of Carroll County, Md. Be has been
trustee of the Johnsville Church since
its foundation, having contributed the
ground upon which it is built.
Mrs. Thomas was married to Mr.
Henry Thomas, of 1109 Druid Hill
Avenue, on January 28, 1916. Mrs.
Thomas, like her father is progres-
sive and is financially interested in a
number of business enterprises, both
colored and white. She represents
the McBrady Co., of Chicago, Ill.
Elmer A. Burgess. Assistant Super
visor of the Public Schools, Grad-
uate, Summer High School, St.
Louis, Mo.; Graduate Posse Normal
School of Gymnastics, Boston, Mass.
Trinity College, Toronto, two years;
Springfield College, Springfield, Mass.,
one year; Certificate University of
Pennsylvania Summer School of
Physical Education; Teacher Colored
High School, 1917-18; Secretary As-
sistant Supervisor of Physical Train-
ing in Colored Schools, 1919-21; Army
Y. M. C. A., Camp Alexander, Va.,
and Camp Lee, Va., 1918-19.