It is with much pleasure that I
congratulate Dr. Wm. Rutherford
Boykin for the unbounded success
with which he has met since locating
in this city (Baltimore). The good
work he is doing: can best be told
by his patrons. As far as as I have
learned the concensus of opinion of
the general public is in warm fellow-
ship with the great work he is doing.
I have heard nothing but favorable
comments concerning him, which is
a good test of his future success.
A singer that everybody knows and
who has proved his worth in Musical
Comedy and the Concert Stage.
Traveled two years over the large
cities of the States, with Cole and
Johnson, in the "Bed Moon"; later
was engaged to go to London, Eng.,
with the New York Syncopated Or-
chestra with Will Marion Cook, di-
rector. Mr. Tunstall can be engaged
at short notice for Churches, Lodges
and Clubs as entertainer.
Dr. Harry F. Brown graduated from
Howard Medical College in 1906. Has
been practicing medicine in Baltimore
for 14 years. Superintendent of Provi-
dent Hospital at present and has held
this position for five years. There is no
salary attached to this position. Medi-
cal Examiner of Men's and Women's
Department of Elks. Medica) Examin-
er of Arch Social, Physician to Baptist
Orphans' Home; member of S. W.
Starks Lodge, No. 39, K. of P.