The above photograph is that of Mr. George Carter of Annapolis,
Md. Mr. Carter has been in the service of the U. S. Navy for the past
twenty-three years. He is now in what is known as the Second-Year
Fleet Navy Reserve Forces. Mr. Carter was born in the city of Balti-
more forty years ago; he attended the old Holliday Street school. For
the past twenty-one years he has made his home in Annapolis. He
married Miss Elizabeth Chase, daughter of the late Solomon and Mrs.
May Chase, old residents of Annapolis before the Civil War. Mr. and
Mrs. Carter celebrated their twentieth anniversary September 10, 1919,
the occasion being one of the most celebrated that ever graced the
Maryland soil. Mr. Carter has traveled extensively to all parts of the
world, and was on the first ship, the U.S. Wadsworth, that represented
the entrance of the United States in the World War; his ship having
sunk the second German submarine. Mr. Carter is a highly respect-
ed citizen of Annapolis. He is a member of the Masons and the Ameri-
can Legion. He has a beautiful home on Washington Street.
One of Baltimore's Public School
Teachers has the honor of being a relative
of the great negro inventor, Benjamin
Banneker. He is a musician of reputa-
tion and choir director of St. Francis
Xavier Church. He has acquired much
property in the county and city. He is an
undemonstrative contributor but per-
sonally gives to the poor and needy.