E. B. Taylor, whose cut shows above,
is the one colored appointee made by
former Mayor Preston one of the
Board of Managers of the House of
Reformation for Colored Boys at
Cheltenham. During the past year he
has gone into the banking business, as
senior member of the firm of Taylor &
Jenkins, and is now about to acquire a
new large banking house, and they
have purchased a site for an East
Baltimore Branch. He is president of
the Morgan Building and Loan Asso-
ciation. Was made Alternate-at-Large
to the Republican Convention at Chic-
ago. His name was prominently men-
tioned as one of the two men con-
sidered for appointment to the School
Board by Mayor Broening. He is
still in the catering business, under
the title of E. B. Taylor, Inc. A
great deal of his success is due to the
energy and constant encouragement of
his wife, who was Miss Esther Shackle-
ford of Richmond, Kentucky.
Grand Master of Masons. Grand
Master of Fishermen. Patriotic Citi-
zen and Churchman. A leading bus-
iness and fraternal man of Baltimore.
One of the prominent young busi-
ness men of Baltimore. Since graduat-
ing from the Polytechnic Institute in
1900, he has been connected with his
father in the management of the Afro-
American Company.