Assistant Librarian, Library of Congress
Mr. Robt. W. Coleman,
Baltimore, Md.
Dear Sir:
The fifth edition—1917-18—of The First Colored Professional,
Clerical, Skilled and Business Directory of Baltimore, Md., has been
placed in the Moorland Foundation collection in the Library of Howard
Former Treasurer, Howard University,
Washington, D. C.
Mr. Robert W. Coleman,
Baltimore, Md.
You are deserving of all praise for the enterprise you have shown
in getting out each year a full and comprehensive directory of the
Colored Professional, Clerical, Skilled and Business men and Women
of your city. A like publication ought to be gotten out in all of the
large business centers of the country. It would be largely to the
advantage of the race in the commercial world.
Ex-Register of the U.S. Treasury,
Under President Taft.
Augusta, Ga., January lath, 1916.
Mr. Robert W. Coleman,
Baltimore, Md.
Dear Sir:
I hereby acknowledge the receipt of "The First Colored Profes-
sional, Clerical, Skilled and Business Directory," and I congratulate
you on your splendid effort. This one is far superior to the first in
every respect and fulfills the purpose for which it was compiled.
In placing the Directory before the public, you not only advertise
the prominent people of the race and their profession, but you bring
them in closer touch with one another. The Directory should be
found in every home.
Your undertaking, in the face of so many undertakings, deserves
encouragement and the co-operation of all.
With best wishes, I am, yours respectfully,
REV. M. P. DENIS, S. T. J.
Mr. Robert W. Coleman,
Baltimore, Md.
My Dear Sir:
Enclosed find herewith copy for the outside back cover page of
your forthcoming Directory for Colored People of Baltimore City.
I am pleased to cooperate in this matter, for I believe the publi-
cation of a first-class directory will be of great value to all parties
concerned. I am also pleased to cooperate in this because you are
making a brave fight against great odds, and I wish to see you suc-
ceed. With best wishes,
Yours very truly,
President of Morgan College.
Mr. Robert W. Coleman,
Baltimore, Md.
Dear Sir:
Please accept my appreciation and thanks for your publication of
the First Colored Directory of Baltimore City. In the course of the
year I have occasion to refer to a number of business men, school
teachers and others, and I find your directory an unfailing and re-
liable source of information. Your enterprise is an asset to the com-
munity. I wish you continued success.
Very truly yours,
Principal Colored High School.