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THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 8th Annual Edition, 1920-1921
Volume 500, Page 39   View pdf image
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The Arch Social Club. Incorporated March 15, 1912, for the sole
purpose of Social. Literary and Beneficial purpose. It extends charity
in a way that will make each and every one feel that true friendship
exists: it aids the sick and buries the Dead. It is today one of the largest
Social Clubs in Baltimore City. Club House, 655 Josephine Street.
Phone Calvert 1555.


George Bailey. President. Mt. Winans.

Harvey Waters, Vice-President. 503 Baker St.

Walter E. Batson. financial Secretary, 118 N. Schroeder St.

William A. Jones, Recording Secretary, 1332 N. Stricker St.

Jermiah Hill, Treasurer, 737 George St.

Walter Curtis, Master of Arms, 225 Arch St.

Richard Garrett, Organist. 120 Dover St.

William McCard, Legal Adviser. 1940 Druid Hill Ave.

Dr. Harry Brown, Medical Examiner 1501 Presstman St.

Raymond Coats, Chairman of House Committee 636 Josephine

E. L. W. Scott, Chaplain, G47 W. Lee St.


Edward Austin, 368 Forrest St.

John Brooks, 1813 McCulloh St.

Frank Burrs, 1343 N. Carey St.

John Butler, 642 W. Saratoga St.

William Butler, 703 Raborg St.

Joseph Brown. 1309 Argyle Ave.

Wilbert Brown, 114 N. Schroeder St.

Wellington Brown, 540 Robert St.

Bernard Brown, 767 Bradley St.

James Boome, 607 George St.

Clarence Booze, 927 W. Fayette St.

Edward Bryant, Waescher St.

Dr. C. C. Bailey, 736 W. Franklin St.

Thomas Buckingham, 1802 Druid Hill Ave.

Horace Banks, 617 Cedar Alley.

Edward Carpenter, 527 W. Lafayette St.

George Chapman, 635 Vine St.

Winfield Chester, 1136 Druid Hill Ave.

Raymond Coats. 636 Josephine St.

Walter Coats, 909 Argyle Ave.

Frank Clark, 821 W. Saratoga St.

Fred Crosby, 635 Josephine St.

Thomas Cornish, 1208 Harlem Ave.

Raymond Carter, 922 Argyle Ave.

William Cook. 645 Josephine St.

Philip Chapman, 1902 White St.

Louis Davis, 689 Mulberry St.

William Davis, 235 Arch St.

William Demby, 1024 Shields Alley.

Robert Dent, 911 Born Alley.

Herman Douglass, 558 Presstman St.

Charles Douglass, Camden Stock Farm, Warrington, Va.

Rev. J. A. Davis, 648 Josephine St.

Dr. Charles Fowler, 1201 Druid Hill Ave.

Charles Garner. 605 George St.

Joseph H. Garner. 692 W. Mulberry St.

Robert Goodlow. 1330 Druid Hill Ave.

Harry Green, 605 Jasper St.

Eugene Greenleaf. 738 Pierce St.

Walter Gough, 403 N. Pine St.

William Hill, 576 St. Marys St.

Samuel T. Hemsley, 578 W. Biddle St

William Harrod, 520 N. Pine St.

William Harris. 1114 W. Lexington St

Robert Hendley, 650 W. Saratoga St.

Lewis Hall, 683 W. Mulberry St.

John Hawkins, 500 Druid Hill Ave.

Charles Hunt, 226 N. Pine St.

R. E. Hall, 1619 Division St.

George Holland. 650 Josephine St.



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THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 8th Annual Edition, 1920-1921
Volume 500, Page 39   View pdf image
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