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THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 8th Annual Edition, 1920-1921
Volume 500, Page 35   View pdf image (33K)
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Principal of Baltimore Colored High School.

Mason Albert Hawkins has been connected with the Baltimore
High School since 1901, in the positions of teacher, head of the Foreign
Language Department, vice-principal and principal. Under his adminis-
tration as principal the curriculum of the school has been standardized
and a faculty of high efficiency maintained. Public educational meetings
have been held by his teachers and students as a testimonial of his ten
years' service.

Mr. Hawkins was born in Charlottesville, Va. October 21, 1874,
but he has lived since early childhood in Baltimore, Md., where he
studied in the public schools, Morgan College, and pursued teachers'
courses in Latin at the John Hopkins University; in 1901 he graduated
from Harvard University with the degree of Bachelor of Arts; as a
result of summer courses he received in 1910, the degree of Master of
Arts from Columbia University His Master's essay, "The Educational
Facilities for Negroes in the South," was rated "unusually excellent."

Mr. Hawkins has edited syllabi on courses of study in the curriculum
and contributed an article on "Vocational Education" in EDUCATION,
November, 1910; he has received two United States patents on devices
for player-piano-roll cabinets and player music-roll boxes, and has had
claims allowed on other inventions.



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THE FIRST COLORED Professional, Clerical and Business DIRECTORY OF BALTIMORE CITY 8th Annual Edition, 1920-1921
Volume 500, Page 35   View pdf image (33K)
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